Update 29/1/15
WCNI certainly had everyone watching today!
This morning Ruby Perry (first yearr elite) finished top ten in the elite 3000m pursuit, James Denholm and Anton, also first year elites both rode the long distance of 4000m in the IP, both posting great times in a very fast elite grade, where Dylan Kennett (MSC) took the overall honours. This evening we had lots of riders in kilos and 500s, with Michaela Drummond placing 3rd in very fast U19W 500mTT field, not far behind the winer Olivia Podmore who beat the national record. James Cuff, Cody Simpson, Carne Groube, and Campbell Stewart all posted very fast times in the U19M 1000mTT. Where cam took home the silver in a time of 1:04 just behind Waikatos Lewis Eccles.
Jordan Castle posted a great time in a competitive elite men's kilo field, with Simon van Velthooven flying in the last heat to bring home silver with a 1:01 Kilo.
The last race of the night was a very exciting one, where Chris Denholm broke away in the scratch race with 9 laps to go, holding off the 2 Hugo brothers from Cantabury. Great team effort by all!!!
Thanks to the great support team who make everything happen!
smile emoticon
Can't wait for the rest of the week!!!!!!!