Well, the final night of the Spring Time Trial Series was a lesson in the benefits of not turning up on the fastest night of the season! The only people to improve their times were those NOT racing last week. Even the ever-consistent Barry Gilliland did not manage a final 2 point week, finishing 12 seconds outside his previous best time.

So, in farewell for now, a big shout out to The Time Trial Team of Trusty Volunteers, who helped out each week and know their jobs better than I do. Plus our first time turn-around man, who managed to find the turn-around sight unseen and get everyone around safely. Another shout out to Manawatu Triathlon Club, who consistently provided a share of riders each week, with a standing ovation for their dedicated president, Dave Scott, who turned up this week despite competing in the Taupo Iron Man Triathlon on Saturday. Many of the younger riders know exactly how he felt having themselves competed in the InterSchool Triathlon earlier today.

Of course, there is prize-money for those riders with the most points for the series, but who are also current Bike Manawatu members. The winners are up on the website on the results spreadsheet, and they will receive their prize money at the AGM (at Marist Clubrooms on the 25th March starting 6:30 pm). We are paying down to tenth place.

During the series (from late Jan until now) we had 74 different riders compete, all different ages, and levels of ability. Congratulations to all who participated. Once again, thank you to those who volunteered to help during the season, and we hope to see you at our next club event.

Full results here