instruction by Denise Brown With the older more experienced riders assembling at memorial park for a bunch ride the younger riders assembled at the Feilding velodrome for their first training.  Denise Brown provided a great work out thoroughly enjoyed by all. Starting with some confidence building with learning to follow wheels and bike handling skills on the grass the training was finished with some competitive elements. It was nice to see the riders had good support form their parents. Next week Sunday 6 march The older riders will assmeble at memorial park at 8.30 am for a bunch ride and the younger ones at Feilding Velodrome at 8.30 am.




Following wheels




Emily Shearman New Bury                                                                                     

Meg Russel PNINS

Amy West PNINS

Katie Osbourne PNGHS

Amelia Harn PNGHS

Joel Yates PNBHS

Carne Croube PNBHS

Jacob Sievwright PNBHS

Hamish Mikkelsen PNBHS

Hayden Washington Smith PNBHS



200 meter standing start

Emily Shearman 26:48

Meg Russel 26:16

Amy West 27:77

Katie Osbourne 28:01

Amelia Harn 27:88

Joel Yates 24:39

Carne Croube 24:59

Jacob Sievwright 25:00

Hamish Mikkelsen 23:39

Hayden Washington Smith 24:19

2 lap scratch race


Hamish 1 (1:17), Joel 2, Hayden 3, Carne 4, Jacob 5


Emily 1 (1:24), Katie 2, Amelia 3, Amy 4, Meg 5