The Board has re-introduced an old idea around a new initiative. Shortly all members will receive a weatherproof sticker to fasten to the stem of their handlebars upon which can be written their own personal “in case of emergency” ( ICE)  number. This sticker will do two important things. Firstly it will identify fellow Bike Manawatu members when you are out and about on your travels. That will give you all a chance to sell the benefits of Club Membership to others in your group. Secondly, and more importantly, it will also provide a direct communication shortcut to family or friends in the event of an emergency.

All existing and new members can expect their own Bike Manawatu ICE sticker in the next short while. Please put it on your stem with a priority phone number, (not your own!)

Back in May the Board also made a submission to the PNCC Annual Plan. I am pleased to say that PNCC have now set aside $25,000 in their Annual Plan to look into strategies and initiatives to make this region “the best place in New Zealand to ride a bike”. We look forward to engaging further with PNCC to ensure that cycling is fully embraced as a means of commuting to school or work, as an active lifestyle, and as a recreation. Cycling priority routes will just one of the strategies the Board will be looking for. Manawatu District Council also received similar submissions and we look forward to similar thinking and strategic planning.

The Board spent last Sunday afternoon in a “Camp David”  planning session to re visit where we have been, where we are and where we want to be in 10 years time. There was some excellent discussion. You can expect to see some fine tuning around the Working Groups modus operandi and a range of other positive initiatives. More on that at a later date.

It was very heartening  to see the excellent results by our schools at the recent North Island Secondary Schools Champs in Cambridge. Well done to all the local riders representing their respective schools and flying the Manawatu flag. Special congrats to all the medal winners and in particular the PNBHS team for overall boys school, and PNGHS for second overall girls team. Their were also some fantastic individual results.That augers very well for the future.

I would also like to mention the riders who recently travelled to Canberra for the Aussie Junior Road Championships. Again some great results from the BM riders. One of members, Luke McCarthy is the National junior boys coach.

Last time I wrote this page, I mentioned the balmy early winter weather, the happy animals and the great grass growing conditions that were encountered on our great country roads. How that has changed over the past 10 days! Wind trainers in front of the Tour de France coverage appear to be the way to go for the rest of this month! Stay warm and dry!

Paul van Velthooven