I was very excited to hear the news that we have five cyclists and a new coach representing Bike Manawatu at the Junior Canberra tours for U/17 and U/19 men and women road races in July. That is a great testament to the terrific work being done by a passionate group of parents , teachers, helpers and of course dedicated cyclists. Well done to Angus Findlay, Mark Findlay, Miguel Dib, Racheal Southee and Kate Stewart, along with Junior Men’s coach Luke McCarthy. All the best for a very successful trip and the start of things to come. I heard that we had 70 school riders over 4 age groups at Akers Road circuit on Sunday morning!

The group leading the charge for the New Zealand Cycling Centre of Excellence met with SPARC on Monday this week. It was an informative and productive meeting in so far as we were able to view our “scores” and discuss the merits of the bid. As expected , the bid had no apparent weaknesses. We are now playing the waiting game to see if Waikato can raise the necessary funds to close the deal or not. And then is Auckland. But where there is life there is hope and we are still not finished with yet.

The weather has been brilliant for all outside activities and in particular cycling. It is very pleasant cruising the rural roads at the moment with the paddocks green and lush, the stock fat and content, little wind and no water lying around! Long may it last.

Finally make sure you enter for the quiz night next Saturday. It will be a good night .

Paul van Velthooven