Last Friday a number of our Board accepted invitations to attend the Property Brokers Grass Roots Award evening at the Manawatu Golf Club. Having never attended the evening before I was somewhat gob smacked at the numbers present ….there looked to be over 300 people representing clubs from all possible activities and codes from right across the Sport Manawatu region.

And then the surprise and excitement mounted as Bike Manawatu was nominated for awards across several areas  and there I thought the evening was a relax , learn and enjoy type night. It certainly was enjoyable but there was too much tension to relax!

Our club won the best presented award through its marketing , newsletters , uniform and website. Nominations were also gained in Best Event(FFoC) and in the best fundraising initiative category.

Then the overall Club of Year was announced……Bike Manawatu….outstanding!!

As spokesman for the Board members present,  I did a poor job….well I thought I did….it is hard to form vowels when your mouth is stuck wide open! But I managed a few thank yous and also warned the audience that this was only a start…. there was a lot more to come!……including a velodrome. That project is not over.

Now that I have re gathered my thoughts I would really like to thank ALL our club members but in particular, the hard working group of volunteers who are always prepared to pitch in to help with events, our riders across all categories who support and represent the club here and elsewhere, to Matt for coordinating the Schools programme, to Vaughan for the outstanding website, to the coaching group who are now underway, to our own sponsors, to the Board for their valuable and knowledgeable input and of course to our extremely hard working secretary Glenys who unfortunately could not be there on the evening. Glenys does an outstanding job for the club….a jewel.

We are on a great ride, from youngsters on their first road bike, the schools programme, recreational riders, road and trackies…..lets keep the Bike Manawatu wheels turning.



Paul van Velthooven