This Monday evening, ( 25th July) the Bike Manawatu coaching group led by Mike McRedmond and Steve Stannard will be conducting a coaching seminar at the Marist Clubrooms starting at 7.00pm.

All club members are invited including, and especially parents, partners and friends. This is an opportunity to listen to the vast experience and knowledge we are fortunate to have in our club. This first session will be largely introductory, with Mike and Steve to outline their thoughts on what makes a good coach, the importance of communication and working relationships, and some of the elementary aspects of successful coaching.

The evening will be targeting potential new coaches, all riders and also the role of parents.

This session will be the first of many to help you with both your coaching and your riding, competitive or not. It is not to be missed.

A successful club is very dependant on having a sound coaching structure that is well understood by all, well spread, relevant to all it’s members, adhered to, and held within a framework that allows for succession and growth.

Your support on Monday night is very important.

Paul van Velthooven