Last Thursday , at the Marist Clubrooms Bike Manawatu held it’s first AGM. There was a very good turnout and the feeling from those present was one of positivity and good progress being  made on several fronts. Importantly , two new Board members were elected form the three nominations made. Oiroa Kaihau and Andrew Ward are now elected Board members and we look forward to their contribution going forward. Mike Christie missed selection by a narrow margin. Mike has already thrown himself into one of our ‘ working groups’. Thanks for that Mike.

Good luck for all of our members riding the club nationals  today, tomorrow and the weekend. We have a record level of entries across all categories. Thanks also to those who have put up their hand to act as ‘ manager” on the various days of competition.

There has been some “feedback’ from members around better communication and “connection” with the Sunday ride groups. This is seen as a vital part of the club and these concerns will be addressed. Some positive solutions have been offered. In the mean time make sure that you set aside the weekend of  May 15th for the Manfeild 6 Hour Challenge…organise your teams and entries to ensure that the event is a success.

The Membership Group is also looking at a mid year function/social event. We look forward to that….keep your calendar open during the “ off bike” period June /July.

And finally. Waikato have hit a very hard place in their bid to win the CCoE. SPARC are still considering their options, whatever they might be. It is clear to us here in the Manawatu what their only option is. We await their decision, due tomorrow Friday 6th May.

Paul van Velthooven