A club such as ours is made up of many parts. To achieve the great results we are getting is the result of many different parts within our club working together, in harmony and with the same outcome in mind. A bit like a good bike, lots of moving parts that if oiled well and maintained , will get you over the line every time.

VolunteersIt really struck me at the Feilding Festival of Cycling last weekend what a wonderful resource we have at Bike Manawatu in terms of the people (parts) who help organise and run our events. To see so many people giving up their time to run an event that went so well and so smoothly deserves mention and praise.

Thank you Anne Redgrave and your team for a wonderful weekend of cycling. Your organisation of the event was outstanding.

The FFoC is just one example of our members( and many non members) pitching in to help deliver cycling outcomes to people who want to ride a bike.

Next week another Bike Manawatu team kicks into gear to run the Novice Tour an iconic event for junior riders from around the country. It too is a major under taking. The National Secondary Schools Champs will be in this region the same weekend , with up to 1000 riders and their supporters descending on us for three days of racing on our roads.

We have many members and helpers who regularly put up their hands to help run track cycling, weekend road races, the Sunday recreational rides, schools racing, time trials not to mention the Manfeild 6 hour and La Femme……the list goes on. We also now have a coaching coordinator connecting riders with coaches….thank you Megan. There are also those members who just quietly mentor or help out with new riders.

In case you haven’t been thanked lately, I would just like to say a big THANK YOU to all those who freely give up their time to deliver worthwhile events and outcomes for our members and our sport. You are the parts that keep the well oiled Bike Manawatu machine rolling.

Paul van Velthooven
