2011 is rapidly drawing to a close.

It is hard to believe that it was only just over 12 months ago that the club was formally established at our inaugural meeting at Wharerata, Massey. A lot has been achieved….too much to mention, but one thing is certain…Bike Manawatu is here to stay and our ambition to be the ‘heart of NZ cycling “ is very well advanced.

Whilst not winning the National Cycling Centre of Excellence velodrome bid was a major disappointment for the club and this community, and we all know the process was clearly flawed, the positives through the wide media exposure has seen many spinoffs for cycling in this region.

And I do not believe that this story has yet been fully told. Just this week we read of the serious shortcomings still apparent in Waikato around funding, governance, ownership, sustainability, project management etc. etc.…..all aspects well covered off with our proposal. We would have had the roof on by now had we rightly got the green light on 14th April! I am still very hopeful .When one sees the numbers at the Feilding track, the potential in this region for a covered velodrome is clearly enormous…..we have barely scratched the surface.

I would like once more to thank all who have unselfishly put their hand up and helped with the club this year, in whatever form that may have taken. Without your support the club could not function let alone grow.And growing we are.

I would like to specially thank Glenys Taylor our secretary extraordinaire. She has fully embraced the vision and her work to keep the club’s wheels rolling is absolutely exceptional…..and now she has instigated and organised the new women’s only event to take place when the UCI Women’s race hits town in February 2012….thank you Glenys…..you do go beyond the call of duty.It is appreciated.

Don’t forget the prize giving to be held this Friday at the Marist Club rooms starting at 5.30. It is important to recognise those who have achieved during the year.

See you all there…if not, then have a very enjoyable and safe Xmas and lots of long quiet rides in the New Year, as you look to achieve your own personal goals whatever or wherever they may be.

Paul van Velthooven