Today is the 1st of September. Where did last month go? So much has happened and there is so much more on the horizon.

We had another very successful Feilding Festival of Cycling last weekend. The weather was kind to us and although entries were slow at first ,they did pick up and the organising team were well pleased with the final outcome. This event can only get better. There were many very favourable comments made by out of town riders about the organisation and nature of the event. Spread the word!

Jesse Sergent has really been flying the Manawatu flag of late, scoring some very impressive results on major stage races in Europe. Look out for much bigger things from Jesse in the future. He is really trucking by all accounts . Good luck for the World Champs Jesse.We look forward to having you home for a period at the end of the year.

The New Zealand Secondary Schools Champs are looming. The number of schools riding in our region is exciting and we look forward to more of our members getting on the podium this year.


The New Zealand Cycling of Centre saga continues. The local councils of Waikato are mixed in their support of the CCoE. From reading all the media the political scene there appears to be fraught and the community split. Over 7000 submissions were sent to the Regional Council if which 180 want to speak! A decision is to be made by 14th September. The Manawatu bid team remain keen, willing and able to step into the breach if required. We certainly have not given up hope yet of getting the velodrome and the CCoE.

On a more definite note, it looks like the former Tour of Wellington will be moving to the mighty Manawatu. That is really exciting news for the sport in our region. This has grown to be an iconic event in New Zealand and with the UCI accreditation will attract many overseas professional teams. Perhaps there will also be local businesses who want to enter their own trade team. Get your thinking caps on!

The club has organised a great venue for the Esssex Cup this weekend. Starting at Ashhurst, the handicap race will travel through Pohangina Village, over some unsealed road ( about 6.0kms), through Totara Reserve , up to Highland Home and then back to Ashhurst…all up about 47.50 kms. Something different and a great opportunity for both our more serious and  recreational riders to experience a handicap event on different terrain. Enjoy!

Bike Manawatu have also now put into action a Coaching Group. Meetings have been held and a structure discussed. We had over 15 very keen persons willing to grow the coaching capacity of the Club. This is an important part of the growth of the club. Things are moving and you can expect more on that in the near future.Already we have had a request from some of our recreational group as to how to improve their Taupo times! Excellent.

A quick thanks to all that are involved in helping to grow and develop the club…..without your support…..well I don’t want to think about that.

” Manawatu , the heart of New Zealand cycling…” is staring to resonate loud and clear.


Paul van Velthooven