It appears for all ages their is something exciting about racing on a wide safe off road track like Manfeild. The first night of the 6 weeks Criterium Series was about learning how to safely ride a Criterium event and have some fun. Race organisers Brett Tivers and Mike Craine had B and D grade racing independently on the track at the same time and grade A and C did the same. The racing was spectator friendly and great to watch.Rider feedback has been positive albeit a bit nervy for first timers.Next week we will all be better for the experience.

The firsts nights registrations set us back 30 minutes but once race briefing and the racing got under way people loved the experience and are looking forward to next Tuesday nights 2nd race of the series.
Event teething problems and rider safety are all always part of educating people and we have had constructive feedback which is valuable for everyone going forward.
One mishap on the last lap of the C grade race resulted in an accident bringing down a few riders who were quickly dealt with by medic Rob Gardner for minor cuts and abrasions.Never nice but Unfortunately is part of riding a bike.

Congratulations to event Managers Brett Tivers and Mike Craine who together with their team of volunteers did a great job.Also a big thank you to the 93 riders who registered and a special mention to the Ng Tawa Girls ,Wanganui Collegiate and the Levin Cycling Club for being part of this Series which is designed for all cyclists for fitness and fun.

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North Island Trust House Series.

Keep your eye out for local Bike Manawatu riders doing well in the North Island Trust House Series. Masters rider John Stewart has quietly gone unnoticed but when you look at last weekends points after stage 3 John is sitting high up in the overall standings in the Master 2 Grade and Chris Denholm is charging up the under 23 standings.Check out

Good luck for Tour de Manawatu

Always a great event to be part of the Tour de Manawatu provides all levels of cyclists to take part and challenge themselves and their fitness. For some this is good preparation for other upcoming events such as the Taupo Challenge. The most important message we would like to send to all riders is to enjoy yourself and to concentrate on riding etiquette and safety.Especially at the start to Ashhurst and up the Colyton road Hill and later when you are tiring trying to stay with groups or race people across the finish line.Remember to keep a straight line and communicate your moves to others which will minimise the risk for everyone.

Barry Webb

All the best wishes from Bike Manawatu and our members to Barry Webb who recently had a cycling accident and is thankfully on the mend.  Look forward to seeing you back on the bike Barry.

Bike Manawatu Xmas Happy Hour

Book this in everyone;
When;Friday 25th of November
Where; Lonestar on the Square
Time; 5.30pm to 7.30pm