What a great day for Bike Manawatu last Sunday at the Laskey’s 6 Hour Relay. By all accounts over 400 cyclists took part.Well done to those who thought up the idea, planned it ,organised it and ran a wonderful day for cyclists of all ages and abilities.I understand that it was a plan hatched by the former Masters Club with Mike Keenan instrumental in that, the challenge to organise and plan for this years event fell largely onto Mike Christie and he had the support and back up of Mike McRedmond .Dave Douglas , Glenys and others were also very much involved. Give yourself a big pat on the back because this event really ticked all the boxes.

Thank you on behalf of the club.  Thanks also to all the sponsors and in particular Kevin Laskey who supported this event from the outset.

Well done to the Coachman Hotel team who held off the strong Hawkes Bay challenge…it takes effort and some strategy to win the overall laps prize…..and well done to the 8 year old who I understand accompanied by his dad completed over 15 laps….that’s very impressive  at over 3.5kms per lap.

That’s what great about this event. It caters so well to the whole range of ages and abilities….schools, corporates, mums, warriors,and French delivery maids!

There is no doubt that The Manfeild Six Hour Relay could become an iconic event for this club and region.Already there have been a number of worthwhile suggestions to make the event grow and grow.

The next few weeks will be a relatively quiet period for the club as we approach the winter months. The Board has a strategy meeting this weekend, there is a quiz night coming up and we have been presenting to PNCC and MDC around the importance of keeping all things cycling in the respective Long Term Plans.


Paul van Velthooven