Last Sunday the Board sat down for their annual strategy meeting. This was an especially important meeting because all but two of the Board and new and, of course, Christine Christie has recently been appointed as our administrator/secretary. We have a Board with quite a diverse working and riding background so Sunday resulted in useful discussion and some good ideas.

Much of the time was spent talking about membership, how to increase it and how to ensure that it much easier to renew membership. In terms of the latter, we hope to be making some changes in the membership renewal process for 2016 – it’s a little too late to make these this year. In terms of the former, we will be improving our communication to members at all levels; juniors, through seniors and those racing, through to Masters and recreational riders.

Many thanks to Gabrielle and her team who put together the road racing calendar for the rest of the year. It’s not 100% confirmed yet, but it’s looking good. One of the things we did discuss was some rider feedback regarding the timing of Saturday road racing. Some riders would prefer the mornings, and other would prefer the afternoons. We will try to schedule a couple of the races in the calendar to the morning to see how that goes, just to test whether both the riders, and perhaps most importantly, the volunteers, are happy with that.

Thanks to everyone who helped organise the Manfeild 6 Hour event recently and congratulations to all of those who participated. Much kudos should go to Mike Christie and his team who, each year, put many many hours into making this one of our defining events and one which puts Bike Manawatu on the national map. Thanks also to Destination Manawatu for coming on board to help and Martin Beveridge and the others sponsors for their support.

Lastly, as we approach the shortest day of the year, and as the weather gets colder and wetter, please make yourself seen whilst riding. Two rear lights and one good front light are a minimum whilst you are out on the road, and some reflective material on your clothing is ideal.

Stay safe and enjoy your riding.

Steve S.