Last Saturday evening we had over 100 participants at the first Club quiz night. Well done to Glenys and her band of merry organisers who put together a very good programme with some testing questions.We all learnt a lot and also what we didn’t know or should have known about a range of subjects. Kate the MC for the evening was ‘ masterful’. The winning team led by Andrew Ward, sneaked through on the “ 3 eyed’ tuatara answer.

It would be great to make this night a regular event on the social calendar for the club, not only as a way to engender club spirit, but also as a fundraiser. Thanks again to John van Lienen for the way he was able to extract the appropriate amount by auction from the audience for the various donated bottles of wine to assist with our riders travel costs  as they represent our club and country overseas in the near future.

This weekend, the inaugural Manawatu Schools Champs are being held at Ashhurst all day Sunday. There are almost 100 entries. It is going to be a great day and I am sure we will be seeing future national champions in action. A great initiative by the schools and Events Group and in particular Matt van Wagtendonk.

For the recreational riders, pencil in the ‘Brass Monkey Ride’ on June 26th. This will be a fun event followed up with soup and socialization .

Enjoy the ride.

Paul van Velthooven