The Board and our tireless secretary Glenys have been busy bringing better and more exciting cycling to our members.

There are now active Working Groups established within Bike Manawatu on events, communication, coaching and membership areas. The benefits are about to become self evident if not already. We are very appreciative of the efforts put in by the people on those groups.

Bike Manawatu has also been involved with bringing safer cycling to our region and roads. Further publicity around this is imminent. We will also be “heading” a sortie to the various TLA’S and decision makers to make our roads safer with even the prospect of perhaps having “cycling priority” routes through signage and notices. We may be calling for some of your thoughts on where you see those potential routes as being.

A number of your Board have also been heavily involved with preparing the RFP bid to SPARC around the New Zealand Cycling Centre of Excellence. This process has gone very well with excellent support from PNCC, Massey and Sport Manawatu. The bid will be lodged on February 11 with final decision made by early April.

If successful, the velodrome building will also provide permanent club rooms for the club….fingers crossed and spread the good word.

Our membership is now in excess of 100….and growing daily. The new online subscription through the Bikenz website is easy and smooth to complete. The more members the stronger our club…so sign up and reap the rewards.It is proposed that the Website will be membership based/accessed in the future so to keep in the loop with going’s on make sure you sign up.

One of the more exciting prospects is to have a “ coaching” group to be overseen by Mike McRedmond. Bikenz has asked for interest in a Level 1 coaching clinic. A number of our members have put their hand up which is fanatstic for the club and the growth of our sport. Watch this space.

Enjoy the great riding conditions at present…the odd zephyr excepted….


Paul van Velthooven (Chairperson)