If you have entered this years Taupo Great Lake 160 km event Bike Manawatu is providing on Sunday 16th November 2014 an opportunity for a 140km circuit training ride starting from and finishing in Palmerston North. Depending on numbers and abilities bunch(es) to depart from Memorial Park starting from 7.00AM.

StormyPointThe circuit from Palmerston North is Stoney Creek Road, Campbells Road, Feilding, Sandon Road to Mt Biggs, Ngaio Road and Mingaroa Road to Kakariki, SH 1 to Hunterville where we will make a café stop. From Hunterville proceed via Vinegar Hill to Rewa, Waituna West, turn right down Williamson Road, turn left to Dunolly Road to Short Road, to Makino Road, Feilding, Reids Line, Dixons Line, Bunnythorpe, Tutaki Road to finish in Palmerston North.

On the day we will be cycling on public roads so road rules apply and normal courtesy to all road users is expected. Please bring enough food and drink (water will be able to be sourced at Hunterville), spare tube(s), pump, clothing to suit the spring weather we could encounter and please make sure your bike is mechanically sound.

Turn up to Memorial Park 6.50AM, no prior notice required, bunches to be sorted out prior to departure to ensure cyclists of like ability keep together. Cyclists to support each other, wait for punctures, mechanicals etc and at top of hills to reform. ETA Palmerston North 1.00PM to 2.00PM for a well earned shower, feed and a snooze for some.

Contact Mike Keenan if you have any questions, ph 3586318.