Next Sunday (25th Oct) Kapiti cycling club is doing a ‘Big Day Out’ one of our regular club activities. This time it is in the Hawkes Bay, from the coast at Kairakau to Maungatutu springs, approximately 160km.
The philosophy behind the Big Day Out is that of an ‘epic’ ride on roads club member’s aren’t likely to have travelled before, held in a light hearted atmosphere, enjoying a great day on the Bikes.
I’d like to extend a welcome to any Palmy cycling club members who would like to join us on this trip. We will be passing through palmerston north on the way at approximately 7.30am and returning at approximately All transport and back up is provided. We currently have about 6 seats available, and room for plenty of bikes, though we can arrange further transport if required.
For further information contact Paul Rawlinson on 021 269 8089 or This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..