From Kim Anderson:

Thanks so much to the clubs that provided feedback for Mondays meeting, provoked some great discussion! Feedback from meeting will follow shortly.

Now that we have been provided with confirmed dates for Age Group Track Nationals, we (Lisa Horn and I) would like to look at securing some accommodation. To this end – obviously – we need some expressions of interest from riders planning on taking part and we need to know if they would like accommodation with the team.


Age Group Track Nationals

9 – 13 March 2016, Invercargill

At this stage we do not know if U19/Elite Omnium will be run at the same time, CNZ wish to run it separately but have yet to confirm.

To be on the safe side if we could get expressions of interest from these riders also.

If possible – could we have some names back to us by Thursday of next week?

Secondly, Elite/U19 Track Nationals

11 – 14 February 2016, Cambridge

I have started the ball rolling with this event, in that I have emailed the team from last year, adding the riders that I know will have graduated from Age Group into U19.

However, there will be riders out there that are new I am sure!

If I may also ask for expressions of interest for this event, I have secured accommodation already, but we do still have some ‘gaps’ at this property.

Please may I ask you to distribute this information to your riders.

Thanks for your time everyone.