Race Licenses for 2015

For those of you with a race license, the Bike NZ portal has been updated and improved.  If you have tried to renew and can’t – don’t worry, you are one of many (See below for instructions on how to renew online).

Ride only membership

For the non-racers, you can be a member of BikeManawatu and a ride free member of BikeNZ for only $35.

No need to use the BikeNZ website, you can send your BikeManawatu subs payment directly via Internet Banking.

Send your $35 payment to 01 0745 0284925 00 and state in description "SUBS and your name". NB you must be over 19.

Renewing your Race License on BikeNZ

Firstly you will need to go to www.bikenz.org.nz

Then follow the instructions below.

Click here to open a PDF of the full instructions.

Hope this helps with the renewal process.

If you have any problems please get in touch with me and I will try and help you out.

Patience is a virtue.