What a fabulous night to start the time trial series. The sun was out and not a cloud in the sky. Slight head wind on the way out and a few tractors on the road but none in the right place at the right time.

It was a great atmosphere and there were lots of new faces and even new helpers.

Special thanks to our helpers who on very short notice were given instructions and roles sorted. Michael Richmonds dad was given directions to the turn point and riders were then given ride details in the safety of the Horizons yard before heading to the start line, where the helpers Alison Kinghorn, Tracy Croton, Sean Cousins and John Livingstone took on their various roles. Also thanks to Dileep Rajapaske who helped on the finish line.

Riders please take note for future events that if your number is not placed on your body in the correct position so that it can be read by the people standing on the side of the road then it is not worth wearing it and your time will be recorded when it can be deciphered what your number is. If your number is on your back then you have to go right past the finish line before your number can be read. If your number is correctly placed on your left hand side then it will be read as you go past the first person before the finish line and this number will then be entered as you pass the finish line. This can make the difference of 1 or 2 seconds and this will be vital in weeks to come.

There will again be a container filled with R LIne at the finish line for riders to fill their bottles next week.

Click here for results