The popular Wednesday night time trial series is back again.Time trial start

If you have never done a time trial or been to the Wednesday night series then now is the time to give it a go.

The time trial is 12 km long on a flat course. Each rider is let go at 30 second intervals. The course starts opposite the Horizons yard on Kairanga Bunnythorpe Rd and heads out onto Lockwood Rd to a turn point and then back to the start/finish line. Each week your time is recorded. And for the first week you are awarded 2 points. Each week that you come back and ride you get 1 point or if you are able to better your previous best time then you get an additional point.

So each week you challenge yourself to better your time. We have elite cyclists who have set some marvelous records on this course and then of course we have those that aren’t as fast but just come out to see how much they can improve over the series. And without exception everyone does improve, so long as the conditions are right.

There is an entry fee which goes towards the end of series prizegiving.

All instructions are given at the briefing which is after everyone has registered. Registration is at the Horizons yard on the corner of Kairanga Bunnythorpe Rd and Rongotea Rd on Wednesday night from 5.45pm. First rider is off at 6.10pm.

Look forward to seeing some new and old faces.

Entry fee for the whole series can be paid on the first night at a reduced price of $15 per member for 8 nights. This can also be paid direct to bank account 01 0745 0284925 00 and please state your name and TT Series in description.