The Feilding Festival of cycling which was held over the weekend saw the weather clear up just in time for the road events on the Sunday. The event saw close to 250 participants enter for the Sunday races. Lytton Street School once again provided great facilities, allowing for an enjoyable BBQ lunch and an eventful prize giving enjoyed by all involved.  An event like this takes a lot of organization and the sponsorship and support from the volunteers makes an event like this possible. _DSC0056

There was fast and furious racing in the longer distance events due to the quality of the riders from all over the North island participating.

This made for some exciting finishes throughout the day.

A portion of each entry fee was donated to St John and a cheque for over $600 was made to them on the day.


Sarah Reichardt from the Hits was the MC at prizegiving and made sure that the prizegiving ran to time.

The results from the Sundays road events are as follows:

Duncan Gower from Sprockets New Zealand, the sponsor for the Joe Allen Classic handicap race,

was on hand to present the following awards:

Winner of the first rider over the line and the Thomas Collins Challenge Shield was John Pratt from Levin

cycling club, who was racing in D grade._DSC0159

Winner of the fastest time and recipient of the Joe Allen Memorial Trophy was  Josh Page with a time of

2:04:09 from the Ramblers cycling club.

Winner of the first Under 19 over the line and the recipient of the McGregor Challenge Cup was James

Denholm from Bike Manawatu.

Fastest woman and first woman over the line was  Keri-Anne Page from Ramblers cycling club.

King of the Mountain was won by John Pratt from Levin cycling club.

The Morgans Property Advisors 90km ride, which went from Feilding all the way out to Peep-o-Day saw Sam Phipps and Michelle Turner take out 1st places in the male and female categories.

The Sprockets New Zealand 90km team trophy went to the Boys High team consisting of Robert Stannard, Joel Yates, Mitchell Kinghorn, Chris Denholm and Fergus Allan.

The Property Brokers 50km ride, which went from Feilding to Kimbolton and back saw Cadell Heney and Emily Shearman take out 1st place in the male and female category respectively.

The Bulls Medical 20km fun ride which saw the riders complete a loop out of Feilding to Taonui and then to Colyton before returning to Feilding saw Graham Brown and Rosie O’Brien take out 1st place in the male and female categories.

The winners of the Bulls Medical Centre 20km Teams event was Huntley A. They won the cup donated by Sport Manawatu.