Another fine day was the weather dished up for the running of the Cheltenham handicap. And with this being the last event in the handicap series a good turnout of riders across all grades meant that the handicapper for the series had a job ahead of him ensuring that all riders were given a chance to win.

The marshalls on the course were given instructions and with no riders opting for the shorter course it was assumed that they would all head in the same direction. The course set was from Cheltenham up to Kiwitea and left on to Perry Line past the school to the Y intersection where a marshal would direct them on to  McBeth Rd. Along McBeth Rd to the end before the gravel and another right turn on to Brice Rd before getting back out onto Kimbolton Rd. All riders opting to do the long ride so no riders should have turned left at Kimbolton Rd, they should have all continued an extra 5kms up to Kimbolton before returning to Cheltenham. Unfortunately the wrong instructions were given to 5 junior riders who headed straight back down avoiding the final climb to Kimbolton.

Their times have been adjusted based on the average speed. 5 grades were set off with the first gap of 10 mins followed four minutes later by the next bunch. Eighteen minutes after the limit riders the clock riders were set off with the scratch bunch off at 21 minutes.

At prizegiving all marshals and helpers were thanked. The basis for the points and prizemoney was explained. Riders had to compete in 3 of the 4 events to be in to win prizemoney. 1st to 13th placing in each of the events got 1 to 13points and all riders finishing after that received an automatic 13 points. The person with the least number of points counting their best 3 races was the eventual winner.

Click here for Cheltenham results