Pahiatua has always been a popular course and with a great turnout of riders the grades were able to have good number in each of them. The handicapper had his work cut out for him but the overall result showed just what a good job he did.

A special thanks to Kevin Laskey for organising the volunteers for the day as well as the facilities and checking the course. Thanks to all of the volunteers including my little helpers at registration and Alison Kinghorn for recording the results.

The D grade riders were first to go, followed 8  minutes back by C grade and a further 10 minutes to B grade. B+, A and A+ all left within 3 mins of each other.

First over the line was Dylan Simpson who was set off in C grade. He completed the course in 1hr 35 mins 41 secs which after adjusting for his handicap was a ride time of 1 hr 27m 41s.

Next over the line was a group of A+ grade riders the majority of riders arriving within 5 minutes of the rider first over the line.

99 Simpson Dylan C 1.35.41
55 West Alex A+ 1.36.43
14 Yates Joel A+ 1.36.45
54 Denholm Chris A+ 1.36.47
84 Stannard Robert A+ 1.36.56
72 Levin Nate A+ 1.37.06
89 Stannard Steve A 1.37.07
79 Lopez Carlos B+ 1.37.10
77 Jacques Daniel B 1.37.13
80 Stewart Campbell A+ 1.37.15
53 Washington -Smith Hayden A 1.37.20
74 Kendall Josh A+ 1.37.23
67 Holleron Ben C 1.37.57
62 Huston Cameron B+ 1.38.07
81 Stannard Thomas C 1.38.41
70 Pinkney Chris B 1.39.42
86 Stannard Katherine C 1.40.14
58 Seivwright Jacob B+ 1.40.15
51 Bamford Andrew B+ 1.40.16
69 Kinghorn Mitchell B+ 1.40.19
68 Rajapaske Dineth B 1.40.25
41 Arbuckle Libby B 1.40.32
38 Craine Ethan D 1.40.33
32 Craine Michael D 1.40.34
85 Stannard Elizabeth B 1.41.39
61 Groube Carne A+ 1.42.23
21 Martin Neil A 1.42.29
73 Yamauchi Toshi B+ 1.43.00
45 Briggs Winston B+ 1.43.21
48 Simpson Cody A 1.43.40
66 Sanson Chris A 1.44.02
18 Doyle Nigel B 1.46.44
64 Ransom Peita C 1.49.55
63 Denholm James A 1.55.18
78 Allan Fergus A 1.55.18
34 McKenzie Andrew B+ DNF
59 Pirie  Tom B DNF