With the disappointing news that the WCNI TTT would be cancelled due to lack of entries the decision was made to continue with the event as a club event. A total of 12 teams registered for the various grades and distances.

Events always need support from volunteers that either help on the start/ finish line and with registration and most importantly out on the course. This event was no exception with a couple of tricky corners that needed marshalls as well as the turn points. With a 16km distance provided for the under 17 and younger riders and a 25km course for the under 19 riders, the course for the 40km open riders was set as the first 16km course followed by the 25km course.

Thanks to the marshalls on the day who had previously advised of their availability to help.  Alison Kinghorn and John Arbuckle capably looked after the intersection of Kaimatarau Rd with Katherine Stannard taking care of the 16km turn at Taikorea Rd and Pete Robson managed the turn at the 25km mark. Chris Croton and Lynley McKenzie looked after the clipboards on the start and finish line and a good team of men acted as holders.

First off the starting rank was the open men teams and although they were started at 3 minute intervals they were all at the end of the first 16km with in a minute of each other. The open mens team consisting of Steve Stannard, Chris Sanson and Nev Weir completed the first 16km in 23 minutes 35 secs which compared very well to the under 17 that included members Campbell Stewart, Robert Stannard, Chris Denholm and Carne Groube that completed the same distance in 23 minutes 40 secs.  

If this had been a WCNI event this time would have set a new record for the under 17 boys. The record is 23 minutes 54 secs and was set in 2007. The under 17 girls would have also set a new record. It is currently held by Levin at 29 mins 4 secs and was set in 2006.

Team Grade Distance Team members Time
134 Open 40km Mike Craine Chris Pinkney Tom Pirie Ben Holleron 1 hr 15 mins 43 secs
100 Open 40km Marcel Hollenstein Barry Gilliland Toshi Yamauchi Winston Briggs 1 hr  7 mins 28 secs
195 Open 40km Steve Stannard Chris Sanson Nev Weir   58 mins 36 secs
147 under 19 25km Hayden Washington-Smith Alex West Nate Levin Andrew Bamford 36 mins 20 secs
138 Yr 7/8 Girls 16km Zoe Croton Rosie O'Brien Connie O'Brien   36 mins 39 secs
114 Und 15 Boys 16km Dineth Rajapaske Adam Martin Harrison Kinghorn 29 mins 17 secs
146 Und 15 Girls 16km Kelly Levin Samara Fenn Peita Ransom Anna Robson 32 mins 43 secs
142 Und 15 Boys 16km Fergus Washington-Smith Max Taylor Adam Francis Ethan Craine 32 mins 07 secs
145 Und 17 Girls 16km Michaela Drummond Libby Arbuckle Emily Shearman Megan Gardner 28 mins 59 secs
143 Und 17 Boys 16km Campbell Stewart Carne Groube Robert Stannard Chris Denholm 23 mins 40 secs
144 Und 17 Boys 16km Mitchel Kinghorn Fergus Allan David Martin Andrew McKenzie 25 mins 49 secs