Sealed Handicap at Halcombe–Adults outnumber school kids

The first of the Handicap series got underway with a Sealed handicap at Halcombe using the Stanway, Tokorangi circuit.  This is a 20km loop with all riders in the handicap series required to do 2 laps.  There was a shorter option of one lap for those who wanted a shorter distance.

Weather at this time of the year can always play a role in who turns up to do a race, but it was pleasing to see a good turn out including a growing number of adult riders. In fact the adult riders outnumbered the school kids for the first time in a long time.

The seat outside the Halcombe Pub ( which is a permanent fixture and not just placed for BM registration) was definitely in the wrong place as the cold wind whistled along the front of the building as the sun shone on the opposite side of the road.

Thanks to the marshals out on the course and for placing signs – John Arbuckle, John Stewart, Karen Fenn and Louisa Regan. And a special thanks to (although he didn’t want the title and didn’t read the race briefing he was basically the race manager ) James Denholm assisted by Chris Croton.

All riders were set off as one bunch and the handicap once adjusted would determine the eventual winner. Regardless the following results are for the order of finish.

1st          Chris Denholm                                  1.06.17

2nd        Alex West                                          1.06.32

3rd         Joel Yates                                          1.06.39

4th         Campbell Stewart                                1.08.45

5th         Hayden Washington-Smith                   1.09.17

6th         Neil Martin                                         1.09.21

7th         Winston Briggs                                      1.10.11

8th         Andrew Bamford                                    1.15.38

9th         Jacob Seivwright                                    1.16.18

10th       Michaela Drummond                              ST

11th       Toshi Yamauchi                                    1.21.05

12th       Libby Arbuckle                                      1.22.49

13th       Ben Holleron                                        1.22.50

14th       Vicki Carne                                          1.22.52

15th       Gorgi van Lienen                                   ST

16th       Greg Baker                                         1.27.12

17th       John van Lienen                                  1.27.16

18th       Megan Gardiner                                   1.31.08

19th       Dave Scott                                          1.31.53

20th       Samara Fenn                                      1.37.26

21st        Wayne Fenn                                      1.39.32

                Tom Pirie                                             DNF

                Glenys Taylor                                     DNF

                Libby Gray                                           DNF

                Michael Robinson                            DNF

1 LAP                     

1st          Zoe Croton                                         47.58

2nd        James Gardiner                                    58.08