IMG_2865 copyDespite the threat of inclement weather, a strong number of riders turned up for the Jocelyn Goodwin Memorial ride that was held on 21 June.  It was estimated that over 100 riders turned up to ride the 30km course.  The unexpected media coverage by the Manawatu Standard provided the ride with some additional profile and as a result the capability of riders was diverse going from elite professional (Jesse Sergent) at one end of the spectrum to your average cycling enthusiast at the other.

Ride organizer, Oiroa Kaihau had no idea on exactly how many were going to turn up.  “My expectations were well and truly exceeded but the sheer numbers were a testament to a sense of feeling and loss for someone very special in the cycling community” he said.

The presence of Garry and Renee Wadsworth (Jocelyn’s partner and daughter) amongst the group made the event even more symbolic and the club was grateful for their blessing to organize the event and their willingness to participate.IMG_2919

IMG_3100 copyThe event also coincided with a desire to raise further funds for St John’s.  Approximately $415 was raised from the call for gold coin donations which again exceeded the expectations of the organiser. The money raised will be combined with funds raised from the Feilding Festival of Cycling and given to St John’s on 21 September during the prize giving.

While there is certainly scope to make this an annual event, more thinking is required to determine the best way forward and it is important that the family continues to be supportive of this initiative.


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