The final event was held on Sunday 2nd March and consisted of a treasure hunt with a difference. It just happened to be International Childrens Day so what better way to celebrate the final of 33 days than to create an event that enabled kids to be out with their families.

33 days zigzagRegistration for the event was at the Childrens playground at the Esplanade. Participants were given a treasure map (until the maps ran out) and instructed to go to each of the “X”’s marked on the map to complete a task before returning to see if they could collect some treasure. The first X was where they had to ride in a straight line along a fire hose and then over a seesaw. This showed control and balance. Then they were off to the next of the X’s – tasks. Greg Baker was in charge of the X just next to the Fitzherbert Bridge. Here participants needed to ride to a point collect a drink bottle, then ride to another point and fill the drink bottle, then ride to the point where they could empty the contents of the drink bottle in to a cup and have a drink and then ride to the finish point to return the drink bottle. On such a warm day I am sure that they all appreciated their drink.

The next task was overseen by Rebecca and Sophie Allan. This was the zigzag on the large grass area alongside the Manawatu River.

Further along behind the Bird Aviary was where participants were told about the importance of keeping their tyres pumped up properly. They had to blow up a balloon with a bike pump until it popped. They were rewarded for their efforts with a lolly before heading off to the final spot which was manned by Phil Stevens from Sport Manawatu. The challenge here was to navigate around a small area of bush track containing a bridge and a few rock obstacles on the narrow path.

Nearly 100 participants took part in the event which was enjoyed by all. Some of these youngsters might end up to be our future cycling champions.

Samuel Phillips who had also riden in the club road race the previous day was very pleased with the treasure that he was able to take away – a new helmet.

Thanks to Jess from Sport Manawatu  for organising such a great event for the finale for 33 Days of Cycling 2014.