It was great to see new faces turning up to have a go at setting a start time on such a windy night. We should even consider giving a prize to the person who has travelled the furthest to come out. Last night it would have gone to George who came all the way from Pahiatua. Great to have you join us George.

Thanks to the helpers on the night. Kirsty looked after the turn and I will blame the wind on the night for not enabling the “2 ways” to work properly.

We need a holder, caller, recorder, and turn marshall as well as someone entering data on to the laptop each night, so if you want to help or learn what is involved in each of these roles, just see Glenys at registration and your help would be greatly appreciated.

Hopefully next week the wind will be kind and we will see a few more riders out. 32 Riders total this week, 4 people able to better previous best time, 14 new riders this week.

The first penalty was incurred this week for drafting. The rider has been spoken to and adjustment made accordingly in results.

Click here for results