Details regarding the upcoming UCI Festival of Speed Tier 1 track event and the 2014 Oceania Track Championships to be held in Invercargill, New Zealand in November.
Full event and entry information can be found at the following links:
- UCI Festival of Speed November 16-17
- 2014 Oceania Championships November 19-22
For those riders that want to enter the 2014 Oceania Track Championships down in Invercargill riding for WCNI Centre.
Please first let Noeline Elden know what individual events you wish to enter and which team events you want to enter
A 2014 licence is required for this event.
Our WCNI selectors need to know first before you enter and pay individually on line at
Closing date for WCNI riders is Tuesday 29th October Please email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. by this date.
WCNI need to advise Southland our numbers and riders for team events.