In working out the points that have been achieved over the handicap races that have been held so far some interesting numbers have arisen.

The first race in the series was the Pahiatua Sealed Handicap. In this event which was an interclub event there were a total 36 entries but only half of these were Bike Manawatu members. Allriders started at the same time and although Robert Stannard was first over the line the winner of the Cup after adjusting for the sealed handicap was Frazer Allen.

The next race in the series was the Essex Cup which is raced over the gravel section of the Pohangina Ashhurst loop. A poor turn out meant that anyone who had competed in the previous event at Pahiatua was able to gain valuable points.

The race last weekend was the 3rd in the series from Cheltenham for the Cheltenham Cup. There was again a poor turn out but the regulars who know all about consistent riding were able to gain more points.

Prizegiving on Saturday where prizewinners need to be present to collect their winnings .

Helen Davis,Frazer Allan andThomas Stannard are all in the prize pool already. They are followed by Ross Rainham,Steve Stannard andToshi Yamauchi who have each competed in the past 3 events. Then close on their tail are Robert Stannard,Hayden Washington-Smith,Cody Simpson,Alex West,Michaela Walker, Katherine Stannard andNate Levin who have competed in 2 races. These all need to compete this week to ensure that they are able to collect and not get beaten on the final race points up for grabs.

The cups will be engraved and presented at the end of year prizegiving to financial members.

There have been 37 members race at the three Saturday races but unfortunately not all of these people have raced in each event. WOuldn’t it be great if everyone was able to turn up to every event.