PNCC has (for some reason) installed bollards in the cycle lane when you are leaving PN travelling from Main St on to Napier Rd. These have already caused one cyclist to fall and suffer minor injuries.

Take care on Napier Road

Bollards have been erected on both sides of Napier Rd along the outside edge of the cycle lane as you approach the edge of the city (opposite the Pot Shop). We had an accident there with a bunch ride heading out of town on Tuesday;  the line of bollards follows the narrower, altered cycle lane and are not easily visible to a bunch. Bollards are also a hazard heading back into town as parked cars can obstruct visibility.


I have just been notified that there will be some action to put in signs warning of a change to the road layout, plus some bollards will be removed to make it easier to enter and leave the “bollard lane”.

I think that this will happen fairly quickly as they are aware that there are an extra 2,500 cyclists in town this weekend.

If you or anyone has any suggestions as to how this could work better, then let me know and I will pass them on.  The ultimate plan is to put the “bollard lane” all the way along Main St towards town and shift the car parks to the outside of the cycle lane eg between the moving traffic and the bike lane.  Everyone will definitely need to use their bells if this happens.

Bike Manawatu still has bells available for all members so if you haven’t received a bell and you want one call in to Sport Manawatu and I will give one to you.