FRIDAY 5th July
at Marist Clubrooms
Pascal St.
Doors open at 7pm.
Quiz starts at 7.30pm
What road would I be travelling on and in which general direction if I saw the following signs on the side of the road. Raupanga followed by Kotemaori.
If you answered SH 2 and travelling south you would be correct and you would now have 2 points.
And if you have been to previous quiz evenings and can remember the answers to some of the questions (How many eyes does a tuatara have when it is 3 months old) that might come in handy as there will be at least 1 question from last year that will be used again this year.
There will be rounds of questions to suit all including the famous Tui questions taken from the tops of Tui Beer bottles. YEAH RIGHT.
And if you know your way around NZ and can identify landmarks you will be well on your way to getting more points for your team when answering questions in the photo round.
There will also be a few trick questions and ridiculous answers will also be rewarded to a certain degree.
So for a fun night out with a fabulous supper and some fabulous prizes get a team together (up to 8 people ) and get your table booked. Either contact Joanne Stewart by email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or Glenys Taylor This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
If you want to be a part of a team please let me know and I will try and put you on a table. Don’t leave it till the last minute. For catering purposes please book your table by 30th June.