Athletics & Cycling Masterton

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                                80 Km Handicap Road Race


                        Sunday 14 April 2013 – 10.00 a.m.


           Excellent Challenging New Course For 2013!


Registration:          8.30am to 9.40am (sharp)


                             Athletics Masterton Clubrooms


                             Blair Street, Masterton


Start Time:            10.00am


Prize Money:          1st Handicap

                              1st Vet Male & Female

                              Fastest Time Male & Female

                              Fastest U17 Male & Female


Entry Fee:    $20   


Entries to be received by Wednesday, 10 April

- Entries without money not accepted


Late entries $10 extra


BikeNZ Licence holders only – Please ensure you bring your Licence with you







Name.................................................................………………     Male / Female (circle one)


Address…………………………………………………..                  DOB…………………


Ph…………………            Email……………………………………………….


Club.............................................……………………………….CNZ Licence No…….


Licence Grade…………………………………………………………………..


Last 3 race results. (Must be entered below or entry will not be accepted)


H/cap-Mass Start & Grade


Terrain: Hilly/Flat                    


















Club handicappers name.............................………………..    Handicappers Ph No……………….


Licence must be exchanged for race number (No licence-no start) Cheque (Athletics & Cycling Masterton) / Cash enclosed 


ENTRIES to: Sue Lyttle, 13 Westmere Rd, R D 10,  Masterton. 5890   Ph: 021 2155645



In consideration of Cycling NZ Wairarapa (the organiser) allowing me to enter the 2013 Clark Cup (the event) I, the person whose name and signature appear below, acknowledge:


1.             I am aware of the dangers of road racing and compete in the event at my own risk;

2.             I have read and understood any written race instructions and acknowledge that all instructions, whether written or verbal, are clear and unambiguous;

3.                   The organisers have done their best to make the event as safe as they can taking into account the restrictions imposed by authorities on road closures and the fact that the organisers cannot control every eventuality;

4.             I must obey the road rules and, in particular, must stay to the left of the centre line;

5.             Even where there is a road closure, there is no guarantee that other members of the public will necessarily respect the road closure or obey the road rules;

6.             If I am involved in an accident, I will not seek to blame or make a claim against the organisers.  Nor will I assist anyone else in making such a claim;

7.             If I have any concerns with the race organisation, I will raise them with the organiser first.  I will not raise them with any other person, recognising that I will only jeopardise the continuation of the event;

8.             This acknowledgement is intended to be binding on my relatives, personal representatives, heirs and  successors.


Date:                           _____________________


Rider’s Name:             ______________________


Rider’s Signature:       ______________________


Parent’s Signature:     ______________________

(if Under 18)