Be great IF lots of the Worlds ELITE Athletes from many sporting codes read & Followed my car rego advice !!
Hardly enough room for the driver let alone all my gear for this 10400km *challenge*
View- And feel free to forward to your contact list. 10,000+km Around Lake Taupo = 65 times, that is my final *challenge* for my 65th year- well of course there is the Official Lake Taupo Cycle Challenge also on the Last Saturday of November-- train-train--enjoy IF you wish to follow or join my ride txt 02102206227 Colin-Wal- Anderson |
Eleven days into this epic ride with 13 laps completed in some very hot weather, 2000+ km done, a *mere* 8000 + km to go!
Certainly my daily organisation has to improve, with 3 bikes all ready to ride as required, heading down Waihi hill on lap 1 my last remaining Camelbak podium Big Chill bottle complete with my hammer Heed supply bounced out, meaning I had to stop @ Z service Stn Turangi - oops only to find my cash was on another bike still @ Taupo. No worries, a wee plea to Flo at the front counter & out popped 20 bucks, I borrowed 10, No security just plain trust, Purchased a bottle of water & out of there, only having to stop again @ waiatahuna dairy & spend the last $4.50 on a bottle of powerade.
A frantic email to Extreme Gear (camelbak) had replacement Big chill bottles on my doorstep the next morning- Thanks Jack Tapp, this hot weather really proves the worth of the *chilly* bottles.
Tuesday & Sunday I managed to crawl out of the cot a bit early & rode 2 laps back to back.After spending the last 6 months training on the flat velodrome @ feilding my *climbing legs* weren’t exactly enjoying this extra activity! Anyone who’s riden or driven that western bays route will realise its a long way from a flat circuit.
On Monday 18th the temperatures had really soared & with the Tihoi Trading post NOT open, my Hydration woes of a few years ago @ Taupo where I spent 6 hours or so at the hospital recovering from dehydration were scaring the patience out of me, fortunately a farm House on another hill TOP that appeared to have someone home, I managed to cycle the steep driveway only to be greeted by a yappy & NOT happy wee dog- fortunately a woman came around & called the wee beast off- BUT she was from Brazil & spoke NO english- we played a game of charades for some time & eventually I was treated to enough water & ice to get me on my way. I do wonder what this woman may do if she’s at an All black game- probably rush out to the paddock during the Haka & offer her water bottle!
The Trading Post @ Tihoi is a great stop off point, but is closed Mondays & opens after 10am, meaning a late start in the heat. Yesterday I was early trying to beat the heat & the 2 children were outside, the older lad Jake waiting for the school bus & his younger Ginga brother dressed as a Pirate (sword & all ) were full of chatter. Our talk spread to me asking if the dead cat yesterday on the roadside was one of theirs-- An awesome response- "Oh yes but he died very happy doing what he enjoyed - he had a dead mouse in his mouth" said Jake ! - Just had to chuckle to myself.
Yesterday as I was on my 12th lap I was for the first time *caught* by a Taupo cyclist out for a spin- just as well as we rode together for about 2 hours till Turangi- having his company certainly made that circuit appear faster & the time went quicker, Turned out he (Craig) operated the Avanti Cycle shop in Taupo so we had plenty to chatter about in between moving over for trucks etc.
Vehicles- So far I,d like to thank the 98% who share with care, the other 2% well enuff said- Certainly the Turangi to Taupo section is a *challenge* that requires plenty of concentration, my stops each lap for a coffee & snack rest @ Turangi are an important factor in my safety plan.
The weather forecast was for more of the high temps so I commenced lap 13 at around 6am, this lap was dedicated to our Masters mate Murray Jessen, he was very much in my thoughts as I tangled again with Waihaha hill - made me wonder where are those old MMC, special trophies ??- like Murrays, Anne Maries etc- this is an area of true loss from the amalgamation which does need addressing.
The Merida di2 905 Scultura is going a cracker , special thanks to the two Garrys @ Pedal Pushers for the change-over of brakes & exact fitting set-up (always a worry with a ride of this length , the Michelin Pro-Race 4 Endurance tyres have suffered NO cuts or punctures, all bodes well for a long day in the saddle 2moro as I try & get laps 14/15 out of the way.
Oh well off to bed & up & away again to-morrow.