Over a week of fantastic cycling events started with the 2 day tour in which we had several members riding. A stand out performance on Saturday by Neville Weir in the first stage Time trial saw him leading in the 50 + age group.  He was able to retain that lead on the following stage and according to the results taking the stage from all age groups. However due to illness Neville wasn’t able to start the following day in stage 3.

Mike Thompson, Ross Castle and Greg Baker also competed in the 2 day tour in this age category. Graeme Bull competed in the 55+ age group.

In the ladies 2 day tour, Averil Sheehan took away the bronze in the  55+ age group whilst Jenny Farmer came away with the silver in the 65+ age group.


On Thursday night the track events were held at the velodrome. Although the results are not available yet on the Masters Games website Bike Manawatu members were able to collect their fair share of the medals.

Megan Blatchford collected gold medals in each of her events, 500m time trial, 2000m pursuit and rode a very impressive scratch race where she led the whole field for the majority of the laps.

Pania Hudson competing for the first time at Masters Games came away with an impressive 4 gold medals in the 50+ age group. She competed in every event available to her on the night.

Glenys Taylor competing in the same age group collected 2 bronze medals for the 500m time trial and 2000m pursuit.

Neville Weir impressed again after recovering from his illness earlier in the week to take home a couple of gold medals in his age group for the time trial and pursuit.


Friday saw the action move to the time trial course running beside the picturesque Wanganui River.

An out and back course with the following results



35 + men Dave Fryer Silver 28.29
50 + men Neville Weir Gold 27.14
Geoff Russell 30.35
60+ men Barry Gilliland Gold 29.20
70 + men Neil Pollock Bronze 34.23
50 + Women Jocelyn Goodwin Silver 32.18
Pania Hudson 35.28
Glenys Taylor 36.41
Valerie Devery 39.08
55 + women Averil Sheehan Silver 35.03



Saturday was the road race run on the Oceania circuit starting at Brunswick.

Results as below

45 + men Toshi Yamauchi 1hr 59.03
50+ men Mike Thompson 1hr 58.52
55+ men Graeme Bull 1hr 20.02
70+ men Neil Pollock Silver 1hr 30.44
50+ women Jocelyn Goodwin Bronze 1hr 25.51
Pania Hudson 1hr 30.10
Valerie Devery 1hr 40.08
55+ women Averil Sheehan Bronze 1hr 28.41


Congratulations to other members who competed in other events at the Masters Games