At the inaugural la Femme fun ride I was the lucky recipient of a fantastic prize donated by the major sponsor, Churchyard Physiotherapy. The prize, a Musculoskeletal Screening, included a one hour assessment with a written report and exercise plan and two follow-up sessions.

Off I went to Churchyard Physio where the fabulous Fiona O’Connor put me through a range of movements particularly looking at those muscles and joints used in cycling, as well as balance and flexibility. The purpose of this was to identify strengths and weaknesses and develop an exercise plan tailored to my needs. I have the plan and now all I have to do is keep to it knowing that there’s a follow-up visit in six weeks. Fiona assures me my unstable knees will be much improved, so here’s hoping!

Regardless of your level of participation, a Musculoskeletal Screening is a great way to get expertly checked out and ultimately make cycling more enjoyable.

Thanks again Fiona