Australian team Genesys Wealth Advisers to arrive early.

Australian UCI Professional team, Genesys Wealth Advisers, has signposted its intentions by deciding to arrive six days early for the New Zealand Cycle Classic around the Manawatu from January 25 to 29.

It will enable the riders to become fully familiar with the terrain with the classic’s 25th edition touring the Manawatu for the first time.

“Having Genesys arriving so early to check out the route and train over it is proof they are coming to New Zealand with one thing very much on their mind, to win the tour,” said race director Jorge Sandoval.

The confirmation of Genesys, and two other Australian teams, Team GPM and Suzuki Trek, brings to five the number so far coming from across the Tasman in addition to the first Pro Continental team to enter the classic, Team Type 1-Sanofi Aventis. The other Australian teams are the returning Jayco-AIS and Drapac Professional Cycling, the former the best performed in the history of the classic, and the latter among those to compete with distinction.

Leading Genesys’s charge is Nathan Earle, who won three of the stages in this year’s classic, including the climb to the top of Admiral Hill in the Wairarapa, but had to be satisfied with fifth placing on general classification, 1 min 36s behind the overall victor, George Bennett, of Nelson.  He will have a group of seasoned riders around him in Patrick Shaw, Anthony Giacoppo, Ben Dyball and Campbell Falkemore. Shaw, a former Australian representative at the world junior championships and a past member of the US pro team Fracor, has an impressive list of victories in his own country, and looms as a genuine contender to win the classic, alongside Earle.

Chris Jory, who was fourth overall in this year’s classic, is a standout in the UCI registered Team GPM. Despite his reputation as a sprinter he was also outstanding on the climbs last January. Team-mates, Sam Rutherford, Caleb Jones, Josh Taylor and Julian Hamill, also have strong credentials.

Victorian team Suzuki Trek has an experienced look with its nominated riders Brendan Johnston, William Lind, Tim Cameron, Ivan Michelin and Damien Wright.

Sandoval is thrilled with the quality of the international entry to date.

“Australian pro teams have been around for a while,” he said. “They know what is involved, most of them have competed in the classic, and they know when the racing starts reputations and talk mean nothing.

“The 2012 classic is already looking bigger and better than last January, and I’m excited about the anticipated battles between the top Australian, New Zealand and European riders being assembled by the teams lining up to compete.”

For further information please contact race director Jorge Sandoval on 0274 464 300 or visit his website