
Every Tuesday in November

Track open from 5.30pm

Registration from 5.30pm

First race 6pm


Manfeild Motor racing Circuit

Entry from South Street

Entry Fee

Entry for club members is $5 per night or $15 for the whole series.

($10 per night or $35 for the whole series for non members)


Pre registration

          Register here

Licensing /Membership

New riders are able to “Have a go” with no membership expectations.

Registration on the day

Registration and sign on will be open from 5.30 and close at 6.15pm

Riders must sign on for each round they compete

At your first registration you will receive a race pack that contains a race number that you will keep for the whole series. It will be your responsibility to bring your number to each round. If you forget it you may still race, but will not be eligible for any points at that round. There will be a $5 fee for numbers not returned at completion of the series


The following grades will be available;

Novice Schools. – Aimed at new or inexperienced riders of any school age. This group will be accompanied by experienced riders who will provide on the road marshalling and helpful tips and advice for those new to riding in a bunch.

D Grade – Aimed at riders with limited experience and or low levels of fitness. Anticipated average speed approx. 25km/hr

C Grade – Aimed at younger experienced riders or adults with an average level of fitness. Anticipated average speed 30-35km/hr

B Grade – Aimed at experienced racing riders with an above average fitness level. Anticipated average speed 40km/hr

A Grade – Aimed at rides with a high level of experience and race fitness. Anticipated average speed 45+km/hr

Riders will be graded by the race organisers and may be re assessed from time to time.

Helpers/1st Aid

We have confirmed our club Health & Safety as part of Manfeilds T&C's

We will need 1 person to assist with registration, 1-2 callers, 3 marshals and 2 people to help with finish line judging and recording. If you are able to help with any of these rolls please let Christine know in advance or advice the registration team on the evening.

We need two experienced A grade riders to provide on the road marshalling for Novice Schools & D grade and 1 experienced B grade rider to sit at the back of C grade to marshal when A grade passes. Please volunteer in advance or on the on the night.

Event Format


The race circuit will be the 1.2km inside loop.

Restricted junior gearing is not compulsory

With the exception of Novice Schools all other grades will be combined (D&B and C&A) on the track together. Combined grades will assemble in the start area together and there will be a short time delay between grade starts. Riders dropped from their grade shall not join in or interfere with the other grade on the circuit. Riders who have been dropped and are being lapped by their grade must not join back in. At the race managers discretion riders who are about to be lapped may be pulled from the race.

Faster riders must give way to slower riders and pass to the outside when passing on a corner

There will be no lap out for crashes or mechanical difficulties

The outside loop of the track will be a dedicated warm up area and will be accessed from pit lane.

There shall be no warming up (fast riding) in the pit lane area - unless on rollers.

It will be the rider’s responsibility to at the pit lane assembly point prior to their start time. From there they will be released onto the track after the last rider from the previous grade has finished.

Riders must follow the marshal’s directions at all times particularly leaving the circuit at the completion of your race. There will be no roll around lap.


6pm - Novice Schools


6.20pm – D & B Grade

D Grade 15 mins plus 2 laps

B Grade 30 mins plus 2 laps

7.00pm – C & A Grade

C Grade 30 mins plus a lap

A Grade 45mins plus a lap


Points will be awarded at intermediate primes and the finish which will be awarded double points.

Prime laps will be signalled by a whistle

The final lap will be signalled by a bell

Points will be award for the top 6 in each sprint;

1st = 6 points

6th = 1 point

The total accumulated points from all sprints will determine the top 6 places for each round with round points being award on the same basis ie 1st - 6 points

The total accumulated points from each round will be determine the overall ranking for each grade at completion of the series.

Time: 5pm to 8pm

5pm to 6pm warmup laps
6pm Novice school grade
C Grade; Starting out riders
B Grade
A Grade

In the interest of safety, Bike Manawatu and Manfeild are excited to bring to all aged cyclist schools, masters and starting out riders boys, girls, men and women this Bike Manawatu Club Criterium series to be held at the iconic Manfeild circuit in Feilding.
The fast 1.2k circuit is located at the front of the Manfeild Grandstand off South Street. Most clubs would love this kind of safe and exiting off road event and we are pleased to be able to bring you something exciting and different for everyone.
Mike Craine and John van Leinen are the series organisers.

Get ready for some fun on the Track.