For competitors 35 years of age and over, champions to be determined for 5 year age groups, women and men, no handicap adjustments apply to times.  Competitors must have entered at least 3 of the 4 events to be considered for an age group champion.  An entry fee applies for each of: Track, Hill Climb and Time Trial.

Age Group Categories

35 – 39 (Category 1); 40 – 44 (Cat 2); 45 – 49 (Cat 3); 50 – 54 (Cat 4); 55 – 59 (Cat 5); 60 – 64 (Cat 6); 65 – 69 (Cat 7); 70 – 74 (Cat 8); 75 – 79 (Cat 9); 80 – 84 (Cat 10) etc.

Age for Championship

Competitors age for racing is applicable for the calendar year and is the age the competitor becomes on her/his birthday in that year, e.g. if she/he turns 45 on 20th July for competition purpose she/he will be entered in 45 – 49 (Cat 3).


(all events are individual and raced against the clock)

  1. Track Sprint Time Trial 200m (TS)
  2. Track Individual Pursuit 2000m (IP)
  3. Hill Climb Saddle Road 5km (HC)
  4. Individual Time Trial 25km (ITT)

Championship Determination

In each contested age group the champion plus 2nd and 3rd positions will be recognised, results will available for all competitors.  Points are awarded based on the fastest time for each age group in each event.  Each age group champion and other positions are determined by the accumulation of points over the 4 events, the champion will have the most points.

Points for Age Championships

Maximum points awarded to the fastest time in each age category –

  1. TS                                                           50 points
  2. IP                                                            50 points
  3. HC                                                          200 points
  4. ITT                                                          300 points

Calculation of Points

Points are calculated for every competitor in age groups for women and men.  Points awarded are directly proportional to the fastest competitor in the same age category.

The mechanism of points calculation is simple and explained as follows:

  • The fastest competitor in each age group and event will be awarded maximum points.
  • Slower competitors points in the same event will be calculated using:

Fastest Competitor Time x maximum points for event = Points (for slower competitor)

Slower Competitor Time

  • For each event points will be rounded to the nearest whole point.  Calculated decimal points : 0.00 to 0.50 will be rounded down to the whole number before the decimal point; above 0.50 to 0.99 will be rounded up to the next whole number above the whole number prior to the decimal point.

E.g. ITT calculation:

Fastest Time 30mins.00secs. x 300 points = 285.71.                   Rounded to 286 points.

Slower Time 31mins.30 secs

The Handicap Championships for women and men are run in conjunction with the Age Group Championships, the Champions being determined from the results of the same 4 events.

  1. Track Sprint Time Trial 200m (TS)
  2. Track Individual Pursuit 2000m (IP)
  3. Hill Climb Saddle Road 5km (HC)
  4. Individual Time Trial 25 km (ITT)

In this Championship competitors have their recorded times in each of the 4 events adjusted by applying an age handicap, referenced from an appropriate Table for the nominated event, thereby enabling an age adjusted time for each competitor.  This in turn enables calculation of points for each event and finally accumulation of points from the 4 events for each competitor. The Handicap Champions, Woman and Man will have each accumulated the most points.

Entry in the Handicap Championships is automatic and does not incur an entry fee.

Points for Handicap Championships

Maximum points awarded –

  1. TS                                                           50 points
  2. IP                                                            50 points
  3. HC                                                          200 points
  4. ITT                                                          300 points


  • Handicaps for TS and IP are referenced on Table 3 and 4.
  • Handicaps for HC are referenced on Table 2.
  • Handicaps for ITT are referenced on Table 1.

Handicap Tables Here


Calculation of Points

Points are calculated in a similar way to the Age Group Championships for each event but with competitors recorded times having an age handicap applied prior to the points calculation.

  • The fastest competitor after age handicap adjustment in each event receives maximum points; all other competitor points are calculated using:

Fastest Competitor Time after handicap adjustment  x maximum points for event = Points

Slower Competitor Time after handicap adjustment

E.g. calculation for Men’s ITT, refer Table 1 for Age Handicap Adjustment

44 year old, recorded time 28 mins. 00secs.has 30secs handicap, his adjusted time becomes 27mins. 30secs.and is the fastest adjusted time so he receives 300 points.

50 year old, recorded time 34mins. 00 secs. has 1min. 15secs. handicap his adjusted time is 32mins. 45 secs. therefore his points calculated as below:

Fastest Adjusted Time 27mins.30secs. x 300 points = 251.91.        Rounded to 252 points.

Slower Adjusted Time 32mins.45 secs 


  • Track, Woman & Man Handicap Champions: Manawatu Masters Cycling Club Trophies are awarded to the female and male competitor who each accumulate the most points from handicap adjusted results for all competitors in the TS 200m & IP 2000m.
  • Hill Climb 5 kilometres, Woman’s Handicap Champion: Trophy Specialists & Engravers Ltd Trophy is awarded to the female competitor who records the fastest time after age handicap adjustments to all competitors (winner also receives 200 points for Womens Handicap Championship).
  • Hill Climb 5 kilometres, Man’s Handicap Champion: Mick Mobberley Cup is awarded to the male competitor who records the fastest time after age handicap adjustments to all competitors (winner also receives 200 points for Womens Handicap Championship).
  • Time Trial 20 kilometres, Woman’s & Man’s Handicap Champions: the Mick Mobberley Trophies are awarded to the female and male competitor who record the fastest time after age handicap adjustments to all competitors (winning also credits 300 points for Handicap Championship).
  • Masters Overall Champions, Woman and Man: Cups donated by Ian Gray are awarded to female and male competitor who accumulate the most points from the handicap adjusted results of the 4 events, competitors must enter at least 3 events to be eligible to be the overall champion.