WCNI Track Champs 2021

WCNI Track Champs Cancelled
Unfortunately due to lack of entries the difficult decision has been made to cancel this event which was due to take place tomorrow in Whanganui
Please pass this information on to anyone who you think may be affected

The West Coast North Island Champs are set for Saturday January 30 (rain day Sunday 31st) in Whanganui.

The Track Champs Handbook 2021 details all information including the events available to all grades the fees applicable. (Please see handbook below)

Please use this guide to calculate your fees and make payment direct to:
WCNI Cycling Centre
03 0718 0390677 00
inserting your name in the reference field.

You can enter online via this link https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/53HDXF8

Entries close at midnight 28th Jan 2021.

When: 30.01.2021
Where: Cooks Gardens Velodrome, Maria Place Extension, Whanganui

Any queries please contact Nick Spark via email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or on 027 485 3632. If you can help out on the day please let Nick know.

See you on race day.

Kind regards,

Nick Spark


2021 West Coast North Island

OPEN Track Championship

30th January 2020

(Rain day January 31st)


Welcome to the West Coast North Island Track Championship for 2021.


Wanganui Velodrome

Sign on from                                  9:15 – 10:00AM

Track Open for warm-up              Until 10:20AM

Racing starts                                 10:30AM


Chief Commissaire –           tbc

Assistant Commissaire -     tbc

Assistant Commissaire –     tbc

Race Committee

·      Event Manager           Nick Spark

·      Assistant Manager   tbc

·      Chief Judge               tbc

·     Chief Timekeeper      tbc

·      First Aid                    Steph Foote







Saturday 30th January 2021 - Racing Starts 10:30am


Event Grade


Masters 1 Men - 750m


Time Trial - FINAL


Masters Men (2) - 500m


Time Trial - FINAL


Under 13  Boys  - 500m 


Time Trial - FINAL


Under 13  Girls  - 500m


Time Trial - FINAL


Under 15 Boys - 500m


Time Trial - FINAL


Under 15 Girls - 500m


Time Trial - FINAL


Under 17 Boys - 500m


Time Trial - FINAL


Under 17 Girls - 500m


Time Trial - FINAL


Open Women/Masters Women - 500m


Time Trial - FINAL


Open men - 1000m


Time Trial - FINAL


AWA - 1000m


Time Trial - FINAL


Masters Women


Pursuit 2000 Finals


Masters 1 Men


Pursuit 3000 Finals


Masters 2 Men


Pursuit 2000 Finals


Under 13 Boys & Girls 3 lap Derby


Under 15 Boys 3 lap Derby


Under 15 Girls 3 lap Derby


Under 17 Boys


Sprint Qualifying Round


Under 17 Girls


Sprint Qualifying Round


Open Women (U19+)


Sprint Qualifying Round


Open Men (U19+)


Sprint Qualifying Round


Lunch and Medal Presentation.


Under 17 Boys


Pursuit 2000 Finals


Under 17 Girls


Pursuit 2000 finals


U19 Women


Pursuit 2000 Finals


Elite Women


Pursuit 3000 Finals


Under 19 Men


Pursuit 3000 Finals


Elite Men


Pursuit 4000 Finals




Pursuit 3000 Finals


Under 15 Girls


1500m Scratch Race


Under 15 Boys


1500m Scratch Race


Under 17 Girls


Sprint Finals (best of 3 rides)

Under 17 Boys


Sprint Finals


Open Women (U19+)


Sprint Finals


Open Men (U19+)


Sprint finals


Under 15 Girls


2000m Scratch Race


Under 15 Boys


2000m Scratch Race


Open Women (U19+)



(Heats of six)


Open Men (U19+)



(Heats of six)


Team Sprints


(for all Centre teams hoping


to ride Nationals)


Keirin finals if required


Under 17 Boys


Scratch Race 3000m


Under 17 Girls


Scratch Race 3000m


Open Women (U19+)


Scratch Race 5000m


Open Men (U19+)


Scratch Race 6000m



Entry Fees.

U17 and younger  $5-00 per event   Number of events    X  $5-00=

All other grades  $6-00 per event      Number of events    X $6-00  =

Team events    $6-00 per rider.        Number of events     X$6-00 =

Track Hire   $12-00 per rider.                                                $12-00

Total                                                                        $____________

Payment can be made direct to WCNI Cycling Centre at Westpac 030718 0390677-00

Please quote your name in the Reference Field.


·         Entries will be taken before the event.  It is advised to enter and pay entry fees before the event.  Any rider who enters on the day of the event, or where payment has not been received, by at the latest, the day prior to the event will incur a $10 surcharge.  On the day registration will close 30 minutes prior to the start of racing.

·         There will be no eftpos facilities at the velodrome so please pay in cash.

·         All riders must wear their Club colours.

·         All events are open to riders outside of the WCNI Centre with the exception of the individual Sprint Semi and Finals. (Selectors need to view only centre riders to evaluate seeding and team combinations).

·         Sprint qualifying and Semi Finals will be a single race with the Finals to be best of 3 rides.

·         Sprint finals may be ridden for non-centre riders if time permits.

·         Derby races may be Heats then Final depending on numbers

Gearing and Equipment

U15                        6.61m rollout     no aero helmets               no TT bars

U17                        7.0m rollout       aero helmets                     clip on TT bars

Open U19            open gears          aero helmets                     TT bars

All other age groups - open gears


Timing will be done manually, so no need for transponders.

New Records or Record Attempts.

1.      If a record has been broken during the days riding an application form for formal recognition of this new time must be completed. Current records and Application Forms are available from the Event Manager.

2.      Any riders wanting to attempt a challenge to an existing WCNI record time must notify officials at the beginning of the day or as soon as practicable. These attempts will be run either in the lunch break or at the end of the days racing.

3.      Centre records can only he held current WCNI centre members.


One centrally in the middle of the back, and the other on the left side readable when the rider is in the prone riding position. Numbers are to be returned to officials at the end of the days racing. Any numbers not returned will incur a cost of $20 invoiced to the riders Club.


1.   Entry is available to any rider affiliated to a Cycle Club.

2.   Entry prior to the event is advised.  Any rider who enters on the day of the event OR who pays their entry fee on the day of the event will be charged a surcharge of $10.00. 

3.   If a rider is scratched they must notify the organisers as soon as possible so start lists can be altered accordingly.

4.   By entering this event riders acknowledge that they agree to the following:

-          I am aware of the dangers of track cycling/ racing and compete in the event at my own risk.

-          I have read and understood any written race instructions and acknowledge that all instructions, whether written or verbal, are clear and unambiguous. Take careful note of the pre-race briefing given to you by the starter.

-          The organisers have done their best to make the event as safe as they can.

-          I must obey all the track rules.

-          The decision of the Commissar is final and discussions will not be entered into.

-          If I am involved in an accident, I will not seek to blame or make a claim against the organisers. Nor will I assist anyone else in making such a claim.


-          If I have any concerns with the race organisation, I will raise them with the organiser first. I will not raise them with any other person, recognising that I will only jeopardise the continuation of the event.



Riders are to ensure they have a valid 2021 licence card with them or have it readily available at all times during the Event, or if it is still being processed, a receipt and a form of photographic identification available.

Note please:

From Cycling NZ Road& Track Technical Regulations:

Section A: General


1.1  All members, competitors and Officials shall be licensed.

1.2  The following categories are available:

a.      ME Men’s Elite Riders 23 to 34 years of age

b.      WE Women’s Elite – Riders 19 to 34 years of age

c.      MU – Men’s Under 23 – Riders 19 to 22 years of age

d.      MJ & WJ – Junior Under 19 – Riders 17 to 18 years of age

e.      Junior Under 17 – Riders 15 to 16 years of age

f.       Junior Under 15 – Riders under 15 years of age

g.      Master 35 and over in 5 year age brackets (Masters 1 to Masters 8. MM1 = Men Masters 1, WM2 = Women’s Maters 2 etc) (for ROAD events).

h.      Masters Track Category 1 – Riders 35 to 44 years of age

i.         Masters Track Category 2 – Riders 45 to 54 years of age

j.         Masters Track Category 3 – Riders 55 and over

k.      Official / Technical – for team & club officials and handlers who are not otherwise licenced under 1a to i inclusive.

l.         Commissaire


1.      Bicycles must confirm with current UCI regulations.

2.      Helmets must be compliant with the NZ Transport Agency Standards.


1.   Racing will be conducted under UCI regulations and Cycling NZ Technical Regulations. A copy of these regulations will be available for perusal on race day or visit the Cycling NZ web site.

2.   Helmets must be worn at any time a rider is on their bike.

Riders Apparel

Riders must only wear their approved Club jerseys and shorts. Shorts may only display sponsors that are detailed on the riders racing licence.

Medals and Medal Ceremony.

1.      Medals are awarded on the following basis.

·         In any category, 1 rider-1 medal, 2 riders - 2 medals, 3 riders-3 medals, irrespective of what centre the rider represents.

·         Records can only be held/awarded to WCNI Club members.

2.      All riders shall participate in official ceremonies.

3.      All riders must wear their official club colours on the podium.

4.      No sunglasses or caps etc to be worn on the podium.

5.      Medal winners are to wear their medal around their neck until they have exited the podium area.