Due to a date clash with Trusthouse series we have decided to bring the date for the Feilding Festival forward one day to Saturday 13th October starting at 2.00pm.

This wouldn’t have been possible with out the help and support of one of our awesome sponsors, Derek McNabb and his family at Rosebowl Bakery in their fantastic new premises on Kimbolton Road.

We are all but confirmed all the nuts and bolts of it, but mark this on your calendar.

Feilding Festival of Cycling

Saturday 13th October 2.00pm start.

Registrations will be on the website next week along with all the details.

 Feilding Festival of Cycling 2018 13 Oct

Trusthouse Series.

While we are talking about the Trusthouse Series….I’ve been approached by a handful of members who are keen to enter a team in Trusthouse, and we at Bike Manawatu think it would be a great idea to get some members together and form some Bike Manawatu teams.

Head to the Trusthouse series Website, have a look at the series that Jorge Sandoval has put together and get your mates together.

Lone Star will be entering one team, and I know of a handful of people interested in getting a Bike Manawatu team (or teams ) sorted.

Most of us have our BM kit, so the hard part is done.

It’s on in a great part of the year, and I’m pretty sure there’s some establishments to stop off at on the way home.

Anyone who is interested give Tim a call or Txt on 0274 964411, and I can help co-ordinate.


Novice Tour

The 45th Edition of the Novice Tour has had a change of date this year with the event falling on September 15th and 16th

You all must be thinking, holy ..whatever, what aren’t BM changing, and that’s a fair question.

If you keep doing the same things, you get the same results.

In recent years the Novice tour has been held in December and has been extremely successful, however what has been obvious is that it falls at a very busy time of the year for all concerned.

With Schools cycling effectively wrapping up at the end of term 3 there was mainly the more hardened riders that trained and competed throughout the entire year.

In December a lot of our riders are competing at track as well, so it is out of season for them

A lot of our junior riders hang up their bikes and do other sports, however, one of the biggest factors is this is when BM want to be running our own events for all of our members.

Our Events Calendar group are meeting this week to crunch out a range of events and dates to suit all of our valuable members, and shifting the Novice tour will give us those dates back…more details on the calendar in the next few weeks.

This year the Novice Tour is Based at Ashhurst School, Main sponsor is Ashhurst Engineering and Construction.

We will need plenty of Volunteers to assist in the running of this iconic event, so please, mark your calendars and contact Tim if you are able to help out…..

In 2019 we will shift dates again to March. This cements us with the other two Junior tours at Central Hawkes Bay (CHB) and Te Awamutu (TA) to form a Junior series which CNZ is supporting

1 Novice Tour Save The Date