The Novice Tour of Manawatu is a tour for licensed under 13,15,17 & 19 riders and is recognized as a premier Two Day Cycle Tour.
In line with CNZ, if we have any U23 women wanting to participate in our tour, you may email Cycling New Zealand for approval and your application will be conisdered on a case by case basis This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Once we have approval from CNZ we can work through your entry manually.
In 2021 it is a 3 stage tour held within the Manawatu region.
Saturday 30th October, Sunday 31st October 2021
We are proud to be part of the 2021 Cycling New Zealand National Road Series.
Click here for more information on full series.
**Please note our 2021 Novice Tour is considered a bonus round**
Volunteers are the heart of our community
We are always looking for volunteers to help at our tour - If you or someone you know is available to offer a hand Marshalling, Judging, Driving etc- Please click here to fill in our form
The stages for the Novice Tour are as follows:
Friday night (29th October 2021)
Registration at Central Bicycle Studio at 69 Walding Street, Palmerston North from 4pm - 6pm and again at the event base, Ashhurst School the next morning from 7.30am. Please let us know if this will be you
Saturday (30th October 2021)
8:00 am – Officials & Volunteers Meeting at HQ
8:45 am - Stage 1: Road Race - Hiwinui, Colyton Loop
1:30pm - Stage 2: ITT - Ashhurst to Pohangina
2021 Start List Can Be Found Here - Click HERE
Sunday (31st October 2021)
8:45 am - Stage 3: Road Race – Valley Road Circuit
Prizegiving: 1.30pm – Ashhurst School - HQ Area
Points and Time Bonuses
The competitor with the lowest aggregate riding time, less any bonuses, plus any penalties, shall be the leader of the tour.
Time Bonuses For General Classification
1st = 10 sec
2nd = 5 sec
3rd = 3 sec
4th = 1 sec
Sprint Ace Competition
The competitor with the greatest number of points from the Sprint Primes shall be the Sprint Ace
Points for the sprint Ace Classification:
1st = 6 pts
2nd = 4 pts
3rd = 2 pts
4th = 1 pt
The finish of stages 1 & 3 count towards sprint ace competition
King / Queen of the Mountain Competition
The competitor with the greatest number of points from the KoM / QoM Primes shall be the King/ Queen of the Mountain
Points for the KoM / QoM Classification:
1st = 6 pts
2nd = 4 pts
3rd = 2 pts
4th = 1 pt
Most Aggressive Rider
Under 17 Boys & Girls and Under 19 Mens Grade only.
Selected by the Commissaires and awarded to the most combative rider.
U19’s are permitted Aero Bikes for TT
*Riders may be asked for a gear check at any time. Maximum roll-out is as follows
U13 – 6.61 metres
U15 – 6.61 metres
U17 – 7.00 metres
U19 – 7.93 metres
- The race will be conducted under CNZ rules, in addition to the following:
- All appeals must be submitted to the Chief Judge in writing within 30 minutes of stage finish, with a fee of $50.
- Only feeding zone will be for U19 Boys at the top of Valley Road for Stage 3 (Sunday)
- To be eligible for the winner’s jerseys at prize giving, all stages must be completed.
- All service must be carried out on the left hand side of the road by neutral service only.
- Riders who deliberately break the road rules, will be warned/penalised/disqualified from the race at the discretion of the Commissaires.
- Restarts will be given to riders who puncture or have a major mechanical breakdown within the first 200m of the time trial. Time penalties will be given for false starts.
- Riders who puncture or have a mechanical after the first 200m will be credited with their own time or time of slowest rider who doesn’t have any mechanicals, whichever is fastest.
- No drafting by service vehicles will be permitted. Any rider being assisted up hills/back to the bunch will be disqualified. Any riders vehicles following in the race convoy will incur a time penalty against the rider.
- There will be no appeals regarding misdirection. Riders should know the course.
- No riders are to warm up on the Time Trial course.
- In the event of a tie, the placing in the final stage will decide the overall placing (All classifications).
- Riders must finish within 20% of the winning time to begin the next stage, at the sole discretion of the Chief Commissaire
- Riders may be asked for a gear check at any time. Maximum roll-out for under 13 and under 15 riders is 6.61 metres, under 17 is 7 meters and under 19 is 7.93 metres.
- Riders must be present at the prize giving after the race to collect their trophies and any spot prizes. Correct cycling clothing and shoes must be worn on the podium.
- The Commissaires shall decide upon matters not accounted for in these rules.
- Time Trial Bikes – Only Allowed for U19.
- Clip on Aero Bars Allowed for U17 and above
- Standard gear for U13 & U15 riders
- Helmets as per the CNZ Rules
Sign On . Roll Out
Riders must sign on for all stages except the Time Trial
Roll out is compulsory for all riders prior to the Time Trial. Once rolled out riders must proceed straight from the Roll Out area to the Start Chute.
Roll out is compulsory for the first five finishers in each stage and for other riders at the discretion of the commissaire.
Race Numbers Placement
One of the Middle Lower Back
Second on the Left hand side – readable for the Sprint & K/QoM Judges
*Race Numbers & Transponders must be returned at the completion of your race or you will be invoiced and charged for their replacements.
General Information
Bathrooms will be available at Colyton School & Hiwinui School
For anyone spectating, we ask that you follow the traffic rules and park well off the roads and preferably around Colyton & Hiwinui Schools.
There shall be no vehicles or motorbikes following the race between the lead and tail vehicles in any grade.
Separate GC Jerseys will be awarded for U13, U15, U17, U19 Boys & Girls
Separate King of the Mountains / Queen of the Mountains Jerseys will be awarded for U13, U15, U17 Boys & Girls & U19 Men & U19 Women
Separate Sprint Ace Jerseys will be awarded for U13, U15, U17 Boys & Girls & U19 Men & U19 Women
Spot Prizes to the complete prize pool over all age groups to be drawn at random at prize giving – *Please note you must be present at prize giving to receive your prize
each participant will be issued with a seatpost transponder pictured below.
If necessary you can put it below the clamp.

Emergency Contact Details
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or 021 152 3306 - Keryn
Traffic Management will be in place - Central TTM
Wilton First Aid will be in attendance Brian Wilton 027 488 9190 & Dean 021 304 936
Palmerston North Hospital 06-356 9169 OR 111
Event Village Map
Ashhurst Primary School
96 Cambridge Avenue, Ashhurst 4810
Please do not park in the Valley Centre car park, along Cambridge Ave or the cricket pitch in the school grounds.
T = Toilets
C = Coffee Cart
HQ = Event Village Central - HQ & Sign On Area

Novice Tour 2021 Course Maps
Saturday 30th October 2021
Stage 1 – Road Race – Hiwinui, Colyton Loop

Lap 1 Course Map Here Lap 2 Course Map Here Lap 3 Course Map Here
0.00km Starting on Standford Street behind Ashhurst Schools sports grounds.
0.08km Turn Left onto Bamford Street
0.21km Cross Cambridge Ave onto Storford St
0.28 km Right onto Oxford Street
1.28km Oxford Street turns into Colyton Road
5.40km Colyton Rd /Watershed Road Intersection – Continue on Colyton Rd
12.55km at Colyton School – Turn Left onto Taonui Road
14.30km Turn Left into Reid Line East
21.95km Left onto Watershed Road – Hiwinui School
23.77km Watershed Road / Colyton Road Intersection
**For Finish Turn Right into Colyton to head back to Ashhurst.
28.45km Finish on Oxford Street
*For Laps Turn Left into Colyton Road
Lap 2
31.91km at Colyton School – Turn Left onto Taonui Road
32.67km Turn Left into Reid Line East
40.32km Left onto Watershed Road – Hiwinui School
42.15km Watershed Road / Colyton Road Intersection
**For Finish Turn Right into Colyton to head back to Ashhurst.
46.83km Finish on Oxford Street
Lap 3
49.28km at Colyton School – Turn Left onto Taonui Road
51.05km Turn Left into Reid Line East
58.69km Left onto Watershed Road – Hiwinui School
60.52km Watershed Road / Colyton Road Intersection
**For Finish Turn Right into Colyton to head back to Ashhurst.
66.37km Finish on Oxford Street
The finish position is the same for Stages 1 & 3. (Opposite 103 Oxford Street, Ashhurst)
Cyclist cross the timing mat on Oxford, then neutral ride to the checking area, on Oxford St where gear check will be located.
From there the riders neutral ride back to the sports field.
***Riders must still consider the roads open at all times including during neutral ride.
Grade |
Distance |
Sprints |
K/QoM |
8.45am |
Under 19 Men |
3 |
66 km |
3 |
3 |
8.50am |
Under 17 Boys |
2 |
46 km |
2 |
2 |
8.55am |
Under 19 Women |
2 |
46 km |
2 |
2 |
8.55am |
Under 17 Girls |
2 |
46 km |
2 |
2 |
9.10am |
Under 15 Boys |
1 |
28 km |
1 |
1 |
10.00am |
Under 15 Girls |
1 |
28 km |
1 |
1 |
10.05am |
Under 13 Boys |
1 |
28 km |
1 |
1 |
10.05am |
Under 13 Girls |
1 |
28 km |
1 |
1 |
*Start Times Are Subject To Change with Confirmation by Commissaire 7 days prior to the event
**Please note we have combined the start times for our Under 17 Girls & Under 19 Womens grades as well as our Under 13 boys & girls grades**
Stage 2 – ITT – Ashhurst to Pohangina (1 Way)

Course Map Here
Course Notes:
This year for safety reasons we have changed it up a little bit.
The Start and roll out is located at the top of Cambridge Ave in Ashhurst and will end in Pohangina on Pohangina Road just before the village.
All riders must roll out prior to their start.
Start times are published at the back of the booklet – Link to start times can be found here *after all entries are in.
It’s the riders responsibility to arrive in time for their start and roll out.
A direct 12.5 km ride from Pohangina to Ashhurst along Pohangina Road
Start: Ashhurst - Cambridge Road just before North Street intersection.
Finish: Pohangina - Pohangina Road just before the village (opposite the Pohangina Wetlands Development)
Neutral ride back to Ashhurst, obeying all road rules and keeping left. OR parents can pick up your children from Pohangina.
*ITT Start Times to be published once entries close
All grades 12.5 km
First Grade starting at 1.30pm
ITT Notes:
Please note this is a different course from the last year.
To avoid congestion and to increae rider safety the stage will start in Ashhurst and end in Pohangina Village.
We strongly advise all drivers returning picking their riders up in Pohangina to please be very careful of our riders still on the course when returning to Ashhurst. These are country roads, with not a lot of parking on the side of the road for spectating.
If you wish to watch the finish, please park your vehicle in the Pohangina village and walk down to the finish line to avoid congestion and respect the locals nature strips.
There is parking available in front of the church on Pohangina Road or along Finnis Road.
Sunday 31st October 2021
Stage 3 – Road Race – Valley Road Circuit

1/2 Lap Course Map Here
Lap 1 Course Map Here Lap 2 Course Map Here Lap 3 Course Map Here
1/2 Lap
U13B & U13G START at the top of the K/QoM on Valley Road @ 11km *
U13 sign on at race HQ and then travel to the start location
0.00km Starting at the top of the K/QoM on Valley Road
9.30km Turn Left into Taonui Road
11.85km Turn Left into Colyton Road (Colyton School) – continue on Colyton Road back to Ashhurst
23.11km Colyton Road turns into Oxford Road
23.87km Finish on Oxford Street
Lap 1
0.00km Starting on Standford Street behind Ashhurst Schools sports grounds.
0.08km Turn Left onto Bamford Street
0.21km Turn Right into Cambridge Ave
1.26km Cambridge Ave turns into Pohangina Road – continue straight
9.45km Turn Left into Valley Road
20.45km Turn Left into Taonui Road
22.98km Turn Left into Colyton Road (Colyton School) – continue on Colyton Road back to Ashhurst
34.23km Colyton Road turns into Oxford Road
34.81km Finish on Oxford Street
*For Laps Turn Left into Colyton Road
Lap 2
34.62km Turn Left into Wyndham Street
35.10km Turn Left into Cambridge Ave
35.52km Cambridge Ave turns into Pohangina Road – continue straight
43.72km Turn Left into Valley Road
54.70km Turn Left into Taonui Road
57.25km Turn Left into Colyton Road (Colyton School) – continue on Colyton Road back to Ashhurst
68.50km Colyton Road turns into Oxford Road
69.28km Finish on Oxford Street
Lap 3
68.88km Turn Left into Wyndham Street
69.36km Turn Left into Cambridge Ave
69.79km Cambridge Ave turns into Pohangina Road – continue straight
77.98km Turn Left into Valley Road
88.98km Turn Left into Taonui Road
91.53km Turn Left into Colyton Road (Colyton School) – continue on Colyton Road back to Ashhurst
102.78km Colyton Road turns into Oxford Road
103.55km Finish on Oxford Street
The finish position is the same for Stages 1 & 3. (Opposite 103 Oxford Street, Ashhurst)
Cyclist cross the timing mat on Oxford, then neutral ride to the checking area, on Oxford St where gear check will be located.
From there the riders neutral ride back to the sports field.
***Riders must still consider the roads open at all times including during neutral ride.
Grade |
Distance |
Sprints |
K/QoM |
Sprint Finish |
8.45am |
Under 19 Men |
3 |
105 km |
6 |
6 |
1 |
8.50am |
Under 17 Boys |
2 |
70 km |
4 |
4 |
1 |
8.55am |
Under 19 Women |
2 |
70 km |
4 |
4 |
1 |
8.55am |
Under 17 Girls |
2 |
70 km |
4 |
4 |
1 |
9.00am |
Under 15 Boys |
1 |
35 km |
2 |
2 |
1 |
9.10am |
Under 15 Girls |
1 |
35 km |
2 |
2 |
1 |
9.15am |
Under 13 Boys |
1/2 |
24 km |
1 |
1 |
1 |
9.15am |
Under 13 Girls |
1/2 |
24 km |
1 |
1 |
1 |
*U13B & U13G START at the top of the K/QoM on Valley Road @ 11km
*U13 sign on at race HQ and then travel to the start location
*Sprint Woolshed, Before Colyton Hall & Finish
*K/QoM Top of Valley Road & Whitlocks Hill
U19 Boys (Feeding allowed on the third lap at the top of Valley Road Climb – at approx. 85km)
**Times and grades being combined will be subject to change at the cheif commissaires and race organisers discretion***
2020 - Please note we have combined the start times for our Under 17 Girls & Under 19 Womens grades as well as our Under 13 boys & girls grades**
Entries are open
Under 13 - $45 (Born in 2009, 2010 or 2011)
Under 15 - $55 (Born in 2007 or 2008)
Under 17 - $65 (Born in 2005 or 2006)
Under 19 - $75 (Born in 2003 or 2004)
We are VERY excited to be apart of the new Cycling New Zealand National Road Series
Age Grade Categories are calculated as at 31 Dec 2021.
Riders will be racing on their 2021 Cycling NZ license and age grade
Grade is based on your age as at the 31st December 2021
Under 13 = 12 or younger at 31 December 2021
Under 15 = 14 or younger at 31 December 2021
Under 17 = 16 or younger at 31 December 2021
Under 19 = 18 or younger at 31 December 2021
From Cycling New Zealand FAQ
**Please note our 2021 Novice Tour is considered a bonus round**
Who is Eligible?
All NZL riders in the following age groups (as at 31 Dec 2022) are eligible to take part:
U15, U17, U19
Those U13 riders who are at the U15 ability can race U15 (the first licence available in the R&T system). All riders must be a minimum of year 7 at school in the year of the competition for the U15 grade in the NRS.
How are age groups calculated?
The series is regarded as the 2022 series and as such ages are calculated as at 31
December 2022.
Each event will offer a minimum of one of the following grades: U15, U17 and U19.
For 2021 Bonus Events; riders are able to race in their 2021 age group with any points gained
from these races taken with them to their 2022 age category.
What gearing do I ride?
Gearing will be in line with Cycling New Zealand Road & Track Rules with riders riding the gear of their 2022 age group (unless you have applied for a derogation - see above)
What licence do I need?
Riders will be required to hold a Cycling New Zealand Youth or Schools Licence * Noting age
categories are calculated as at 31 Dec 2022. For events prior to 1 January 2022 a 2021
licence is accepted. For events post 1 Jan 2022 only a 2022 licence is accepted.
*U19 riders must hold a Cycling New Zealand Youth licence – all other grades are eligible to
race on either a Cycling New Zealand Schools licence or a Cycling New Zealand Youth
How many races do I have to do?
The 2022 NRS series will commence in October 2021 and will conclude at 31 December 2022.
Riders are encouraged to race one or more events with riders gaining points from their best two (number of events TBC once all events are confirmed) results for the overall series recognition.
Any 2021 events are considered as bonus races and any points earned from these races will be additional to your top two road events.
How are the points awarded?
Points will be awarded for each event in the series using the points system under the points system tab.
The overall series winner is awarded to the rider that scores the most series points taking
into account their (to be determined number) of their best results (plus any bonus points
from the 2021 events) considered for the overall series recognition.
In the event of a tie for first, the highest-placed rider in the final race of the most recent
series race shall take precedence.
Top three overall riders in the series categories (U19, U17 and U15) will be recognised as
National Series Champion and podium place getters. There is no recognition for U13; this
can be done by each event at their discretion.
At the time of entry, riders will be able to nominate their CNZ affiliated club, CNZ affiliated
trade team or CNZ Hub. There will be recognition of each of these categories throughout
the race series.
In line with the series objectives, Cycling New Zealand (together with the event organisers
and commissaires) may recongises a rider who bet demonstrates the intent of the
objectives. This will be through the “Living the Values” awards.
How do I enter?
Entries are made by the individual to each event as determined by the event organisers. Entries are subject to the terms and conditions of each organiser. All entries into the official events are considered for the overall series titles.
Some Reminiscences of the Tour
Ian Gray – Founder of the Tour in 1974
The Open Novice Tour of the Manawatu commenced in 1974 to inspire young U17 riders to compete in a major Open Tour. At that particular time the Palmerston North Amateur Road Cycling Club was putting all its effort and a large amount of money into running a three-day Tour of the Manawatu for senior riders. After much lobbing I managed to convince the club that they should also promote a tour for young riders so that could be encouraged to learn and experience Tour racing riding in bunches.
The first eight tours were sponsored by Glaxo when they were still a NZ company situated in Palmerston North. In 1974 they had just developed for the market that wonderful meal replacer Complan, which is still available today and has been used successfully by cyclists over the years. The tour was called “The Glaxo Complan Colts Tour of the Manawatu”. The field in those days was limited to thirty five riders, the logic being that a bunch of that size was large enough for young riders to ride safely in. No girls rode in those early tours. Later on, when a few girls started racing they were required to race with the boys. When girls racing became much more popular this enabled them to have their own separate tour from 2002.
In the early years the tour was run on the same weekend as the National Secondary Schools Sir Bernard Fergusson Teams Time Trials run at Levin on Saturday. Later on when the schools Time Trial event was expanded to include a road race on the Sunday this clashed with the Manawatu Tour, giving riders a choice, but the tour proved to be more popular.
The first Novice Tour in 1974 was convincingly won by Eric Mackenzie of Kawerau. Eric went on to become a very successful all round rider winning several National Track titles as well as winning The Tour of Southland, 2nd in the Tour of Manawatu and 4th in the Dulux 6 day (Auckland to Wellinton) in 1979. Eric rode successfully as a professional in Europe winning 17 races in Belgium in 1981. This record enabled him to get a pro contract during which he rode the Tour de France four times, winning a 3rd stage placing in 1983, and also achieving twelve top 10 stages finishes in those four tours.
Over the years the Novice Tour has given great experience to young riders many who have won the tour and then gone one to become well recognized riders by winning national and international events. These riders include Westley and Regan Gough, Jeremy Yates (winner of the Junior Wolds Road Title), Shane Archibald, Catherine Cheatley (nee Sell) Lee Vertongen and Gary Anderson (First NZ rider to win an Olympic Medal). Greg Henderson who finished second in 1992 who went on to ride successfully as a professional in Europe, came to be one of the best lead out sprint rider in the top tours, has just recently retired from top racing.
The Tour over the years has been successfully supported by major sponsors firstly from local companies who owners have been closely associated with the club, as well as some national companies. These include T Market Fresh, in 1989 whose owner Monty Hollows gave great support to Manawatu cycling for over 50 years, Pedal Pushers Cyclery when jointly owned by Gary Buys and Ian Gray; Rose City Real Estate (run by Max Vertongen), Electropower, NZ Post, Avanti and Mitre 10. We should not forget the huge number of small sponsors that have given invaluable support over the years as well as the trophy donors.
Since the tour began in 1974 only five Manawatu riders have won the tour. Aaron Kibblewhite in 1989 (who later represented NZ at the Junior World Track Champs) and Lee Vertongen in 1991. Lee became one of our best ever Manawatu riders who represented NZ many times including World Junior Track Champs, Commonwealth Games and still holds the NZ hour record on the track of 50.23 km set on the new board track at Wanganui in 1997. In the modern era Campbell Stewart and Michaela Drummond became tour winners in 2013 and 2015 respectively, both became Junior World Track Champions. Robert Stannard was the fifth Manawatu rider to win the tour in 2015. Andrew Burnett who won the KOM title in 1989 (and also 2nd on GC the same year) while Sjoerd van Wagtendonk (2008) Robert Stannard (2013) and Chris Denholm (2013) are the only other Manawatu winners in the hill climb category.
The 40th Anniversary Tour in 2013 was a milestone in the events history when it was expanded to include multiple grades from under 13 to under 19 years grades run in 4 stages over 2 days, instead of 4 stages in one day.
What has been really great about this tour over the years has been its excellent management and the many volunteers who have enthusiastically given their time to help run the tour, and this particularly includes the young riders who had previously ridden the tour, who loved being in the mechanics wagons helping and giving advice to the riders.
I would like to give encouragement and good luck to all riders competing in the 47th Novice Tour this year. Do your best and enjoy it!

Specific Ashhurst Engineering & Construction Novice Tour 2020 Sponsors
Under 13 Girls 
Under 13 Boys 
Under 15 Girls
Under 15 Boys 
Under 17 Girls 
Under 17 Boys 
Under 19 Women 
Under 19 Men 
Stage Sponsors
Radios Provided By 
Race Books 
Volunteers & officials lunches 

COVID-19 Management
The event recognizes the impact that COVID-19 has had on the country and in this case, the events industry.
While the risk of exposure to COVID-19 and transmission in the community is constantly changing, the event acknowledges that COVID-19 is still uncontrolled overseas and as such we should not be complacent given COVID-19 can still spread quickly.
The event will adopt the ‘New Events Sector Voluntary Code’ to deliver the event following best practice expectations based on the Ministry of Health guidance.
Below outlines the key measures which will be implemented to support the code:
• Contact Tracing
- The event participants are required to pre event with their contact details. The event is able to contact.
- Parents, spectators and volunteers will be asked to sign in using our QR code at HQ
- Please ensure that you and your supporters use the contact tracing available at the event over the weekend!
- You can sign in manually through the form at the race office
- Volunteers who have filled in our volunteers form will have given contact tracing forms online also
The following message is send to staff, volunteers, contractors and participants prior to the event regarding the expectations of their behavior during the event:
• If you’re sick, stay home. Please do not turn up at the event.
• If you have cold or flu symptoms call your doctor or Healthline and make sure you get tested.
• Wash your hands. Wash your hands. Wash your hands.
• Sneeze and cough into your elbow, and regularly disinfect shared surfaces.
• If you are told by health authorities to self-isolate you must do so immediately.
• If you’re concerned about your wellbeing or have underlying health conditions, work with your GP to understand how best to stay healthy.
• People will have had different experiences over the last couple of months. Whatever you’re feeling — it’s okay. Be kind to others. Be kind to yourself.
• For more information, click here
In the event that a participant is displaying COIVID-19 like symptoms – Once Bike Manawatu is notified we will endeavor to:
(1) inform individual and close contacts that they are to self isolate;
(2) inform COVID hotline on 0800 358 5453 and follow directions.
Novice Tour 2020 ITT Start Times
SATURDAY 31st November 2020
First Rider off at 1.30pm
U15 Boys |
Bib |
First Name |
Last Name |
Category |
Webscorer Time |
Start Time |
74 |
Nathan |
Drury |
Under 15 Boy |
0:00 |
1:30:00 PM |
75 |
Jacob |
Lean |
Under 15 Boy |
1:00 |
1:31:00 PM |
76 |
Leighton |
Riley |
Under 15 Boy |
2:00 |
1:32:00 PM |
77 |
Caleb |
Roberts |
Under 15 Boy |
3:00 |
1:33:00 PM |
78 |
Alex |
Arthur |
Under 15 Boy |
4:00 |
1:34:00 PM |
79 |
Jack |
Braddock |
Under 15 Boy |
5:00 |
1:35:00 PM |
80 |
Josh |
Rowe |
Under 15 Boy |
6:00 |
1:36:00 PM |
81 |
Josh |
Leamy-King |
Under 15 Boy |
7:00 |
1:37:00 PM |
82 |
Wolf |
Pene |
Under 15 Boy |
8:00 |
1:38:00 PM |
83 |
Logan |
Mulcahy |
Under 15 Boy |
9:00 |
1:39:00 PM |
84 |
Ta |
Craw |
Under 15 Boy |
10:00 |
1:40:00 PM |
85 |
Harrison |
Craw |
Under 15 Boy |
11:00 |
1:41:00 PM |
86 |
Caleb |
Hamblyn |
Under 15 Boy |
12:00 |
1:42:00 PM |
87 |
Fletcher |
Williams |
Under 15 Boy |
13:00 |
1:43:00 PM |
88 |
Jack |
Kearney |
Under 15 Boy |
14:00 |
1:44:00 PM |
U15 Girls |
Bib |
First Name |
Last Name |
Category |
Webscorer Time |
Start Time |
92 |
Hayley |
Cornwall |
Under 15 Girl |
17:00 |
1:47:00 PM |
93 |
Caoilinn |
Gray |
Under 15 Girl |
18:00 |
1:48:00 PM |
94 |
Elena |
Worrall |
Under 15 Girl |
19:00 |
1:49:00 PM |
95 |
Jessie |
Coxon |
Under 15 Girl |
20:00 |
1:50:00 PM |
96 |
Maisie |
Bower |
Under 15 Girl |
21:00 |
1:51:00 PM |
97 |
Lacey |
Fellowes |
Under 15 Girl |
22:00 |
1:52:00 PM |
98 |
Unique |
Raumati |
Under 15 Girl |
23:00 |
1:53:00 PM |
99 |
Sunny |
Stedman |
Under 15 Girl |
24:00 |
1:54:00 PM |
100 |
Geraldene |
Leef |
Under 15 Girl |
25:00 |
1:55:00 PM |
101 |
Kenzey |
Compton |
Under 15 Girl |
26:00 |
1:56:00 PM |
102 |
Kylah |
Gunn |
Under 15 Girl |
27:00 |
1:57:00 PM |
103 |
Millie |
Donald |
Under 15 Girl |
28:00 |
1:58:00 PM |
U13 Boys |
Bib |
First Name |
Last Name |
Category |
Webscorer Time |
Start Time |
110 |
Quin |
Vivian |
Under 13 Boy |
31:00 |
2:00:00 PM |
111 |
Austin |
Tunnicliffe |
Under 13 Boy |
32:00 |
2:01:00 PM |
112 |
Torin |
Leonard |
Under 13 Boy |
33:00 |
2:02:00 PM |
113 |
Hagen |
Thompson |
Under 13 Boy |
34:00 |
2:03:00 PM |
114 |
Flynn |
Turnbull |
Under 13 Boy |
35:00 |
2:04:00 PM |
115 |
Filip |
Martin |
Under 13 Boy |
36:00 |
2:05:00 PM |
116 |
Joshua |
Hannon |
Under 13 Boy |
37:00 |
2:06:00 PM |
117 |
Harry |
Shannon |
Under 13 Boy |
38:00 |
2:07:00 PM |
118 |
Liam |
Parkes |
Under 13 Boy |
39:00 |
2:08:00 PM |
U13 Girls |
Bib |
First Name |
Last Name |
Category |
Webscorer Time |
Start Time |
120 |
Kendra |
Gray |
Under 13 Girl |
42:00 |
2:11:00 PM |
121 |
Nina |
Worrall |
Under 13 Girl |
43:00 |
2:12:00 PM |
122 |
Kylee May |
Tipene |
Under 13 Girl |
44:00 |
2:13:00 PM |
123 |
Alexis |
Manuel |
Under 13 Girl |
45:00 |
2:14:00 PM |
124 |
Corey Leigh |
Tobin |
Under 13 Girl |
46:00 |
2:15:00 PM |
125 |
Renee |
Harrison |
Under 13 Girl |
47:00 |
2:16:00 PM |
126 |
Evelyn |
Richardson |
Under 13 Girl |
48:00 |
2:17:00 PM |
5 Minute Break |
U19 Women |
Bib |
First Name |
Last Name |
Category |
Webscorer Time |
Start Time |
25 |
Ashleigh |
Gunn |
Under 19 Girl |
54:00 |
2:23:00 PM |
26 |
Bella-Rose |
Lloyd |
Under 19 Girl |
55:00 |
2:24:00 PM |
27 |
Amye |
Kellow |
Under 19 Girl |
56:00 |
2:25:00 PM |
28 |
Ally |
Gothard |
Under 19 Girl |
57:00 |
2:26:00 PM |
29 |
Bella |
Ives |
Under 19 Girl |
58:00 |
2:27:00 PM |
30 |
Fallon |
Roy |
Under 19 Girl |
59:00 |
2:28:00 PM |
U17 Girls |
Bib |
First Name |
Last Name |
Category |
Webscorer Time |
Start Time |
60 |
Sophia |
Hyland |
Under 17 Girl |
62:00 |
2:31:00 PM |
61 |
Seana |
Gray |
Under 17 Girl |
63:00 |
2:32:00 PM |
62 |
Maia |
Barclay |
Under 17 Girl |
64:00 |
2:33:00 PM |
63 |
Katrin |
Visser |
Under 17 Girl |
65:00 |
2:34:00 PM |
64 |
Molly |
Hayes |
Under 17 Girl |
66:00 |
2:35:00 PM |
65 |
Bonnie |
Rattray |
Under 17 Girl |
67:00 |
2:36:00 PM |
66 |
Georgia |
Simpson |
Under 17 Girl |
68:00 |
2:37:00 PM |
67 |
Emma |
Blackmore |
Under 17 Girl |
69:00 |
2:38:00 PM |
68 |
Muireann |
Green |
Under 17 Girl |
70:00 |
2:39:00 PM |
69 |
Bee |
Townsend |
Under 17 Girl |
71:00 |
2:40:00 PM |
70 |
Meghan |
Baker |
Under 17 Girl |
72:00 |
2:41:00 PM |
71 |
Ruby |
Spring |
Under 17 Girl |
73:00 |
2:42:00 PM |
U17 Boys |
Bib |
First Name |
Last Name |
Category |
Webscorer Time |
Start Time |
33 |
Chrysander |
Ruhnayat |
Under 17 Boy |
76:00 |
2:45:00 PM |
34 |
Louis |
Grimshaw |
Under 17 Boy |
77:00 |
2:46:00 PM |
35 |
Jack |
Overweel |
Under 17 Boy |
78:00 |
2:47:00 PM |
36 |
Tyler |
Mumby |
Under 17 Boy |
79:00 |
2:48:00 PM |
37 |
Lachlan |
Jones |
Under 17 Boy |
80:00 |
2:49:00 PM |
38 |
Lochlan |
Foote |
Under 17 Boy |
81:00 |
2:50:00 PM |
39 |
Jake |
Rayner |
Under 17 Boy |
82:00 |
2:51:00 PM |
40 |
Euan |
Mason |
Under 17 Boy |
83:00 |
2:52:00 PM |
41 |
Lucas |
Bhimy |
Under 17 Boy |
84:00 |
2:53:00 PM |
42 |
Maui |
Morrison |
Under 17 Boy |
85:00 |
2:54:00 PM |
43 |
Wilson |
Hannon |
Under 17 Boy |
86:00 |
2:55:00 PM |
44 |
Hunter |
Gibson |
Under 17 Boy |
87:00 |
2:56:00 PM |
45 |
Lewis |
Johnston |
Under 17 Boy |
88:00 |
2:57:00 PM |
46 |
Toby |
Evans |
Under 17 Boy |
89:00 |
2:58:00 PM |
47 |
Noah |
Hollamby |
Under 17 Boy |
90:00 |
2:59:00 PM |
48 |
Sam |
Wade |
Under 17 Boy |
91:00 |
3:00:00 PM |
49 |
Reuben |
Fraser |
Under 17 Boy |
92:00 |
3:01:00 PM |
50 |
Joshua |
Mulcahy |
Under 17 Boy |
93:00 |
3:02:00 PM |
51 |
Jackson |
Fellowes |
Under 17 Boy |
94:00 |
3:03:00 PM |
52 |
Hamish |
Banks |
Under 17 Boy |
95:00 |
3:04:00 PM |
53 |
Ben |
Petch |
Under 17 Boy |
96:00 |
3:05:00 PM |
54 |
James |
De Hair |
Under 17 Boy |
97:00 |
3:06:00 PM |
55 |
Andrew |
Richardson |
Under 17 Boy |
98:00 |
3:07:00 PM |
56 |
Elliot |
Robertson |
Under 17 Boy |
99:00 |
3:08:00 PM |
U19 Men |
Bib |
First Name |
Last Name |
Category |
Webscorer Time |
Start Time |
1 |
Kyle |
Hoskin |
Under 19 Boy |
102:00 |
3:11:00 PM |
2 |
Fergus |
Lloyd |
Under 19 Boy |
103:00 |
3:12:00 PM |
3 |
Dylan |
Cumming |
Under 19 Boy |
104:00 |
3:13:00 PM |
4 |
Riley |
Tunnicliffe |
Under 19 Boy |
105:00 |
3:14:00 PM |
5 |
Max |
Ferguson |
Under 19 Boy |
106:00 |
3:15:00 PM |
6 |
Alex |
Skilton |
Under 19 Boy |
107:00 |
3:16:00 PM |
7 |
Tom |
Stephenson |
Under 19 Boy |
108:00 |
3:17:00 PM |
8 |
Shaun |
Woods |
Under 19 Boy |
109:00 |
3:18:00 PM |
9 |
Jaxson |
Whyte |
Under 19 Boy |
110:00 |
3:19:00 PM |
10 |
Lewis |
Bower |
Under 19 Boy |
111:00 |
3:20:00 PM |
11 |
Finnegan |
Murphy |
Under 19 Boy |
112:00 |
3:21:00 PM |
12 |
Oliver |
Fisher |
Under 19 Boy |
113:00 |
3:22:00 PM |
13 |
Adam |
Francis |
Under 19 Boy |
114:00 |
3:23:00 PM |
14 |
Michael |
Richmond |
Under 19 Boy |
115:00 |
3:24:00 PM |
15 |
Sam |
Fraser |
Under 19 Boy |
116:00 |
3:25:00 PM |
16 |
Mathew |
Jamieson |
Under 19 Boy |
117:00 |
3:26:00 PM |
17 |
Flynn |
Barrett |
Under 19 Boy |
118:00 |
3:27:00 PM |
18 |
Adam |
Bidwell |
Under 19 Boy |
119:00 |
3:28:00 PM |
19 |
Joshua |
Turnbull |
Under 19 Boy |
120:00 |
3:29:00 PM |
20 |
Blake |
Bailey |
Under 19 Boy |
121:00 |
3:30:00 PM |