Bike Manawatu Virtual winter series.
Thanks to Johan Oelofse we are introducing the Bike Manawatu virtual winter series.
This series will run over 6 weeks and the races will be on local Manawatu routes. The courses will be between 18-25km, this will make for races around 30min.
It will be a single grade start and will mainly be flat so everyone can stand a chance. Points will be awarded for each rider, the winner will get 100 points, second 99 and so on. There will be an open league (so make sure you invite your friends from around the globe) and a Bike Manawatu league.
Start date: 24th May (Monday) and then every week for 6 weeks.
Time: 6:30pm
Race 1: Manfield Crit
Race 2: Akers road
Race 3: A1 Loops
Race 4: Colyton Loop
Race 5: Kiaranga TT
Race 6: Fielding Track (Eliminator race)
How to get RGT:
How to enter the events?
A link will be sent on Facebook each week to follow. Please enter on the app.
Any questions comment on here or PM Johan.
****Please note RGT requires a Smart Trainer***