Old Manawatu River Bridge

The old bridge over the Manawatu River is due for demolition now that the new bridge over the river and the spillway is complete.
However, the concerns of cyclists are that the new facility is not suitable to ride across as there is not sufficient lane width the ride safely and add to this, there are storm water grates, un-ridable by cyclists every eighty metres or so.

There is a strong push from locals to keep the old bridge and make it available to cyclists, walkers etc to cross the river safely. Once across the river there is a land based cycle way to cross the spillway.

NZTA are asking for input by way of a survey – https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/WXNS87S 

Even if you are unlikely to ride across the bridge but support the idea of a safe cycle way on State Highway 1 please complete the survey to that end.

Thank You

Survey closes 5pm Friday 18 December   

The full survey internet address: https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/WXNS87S