Bike Manawatu – Zwift

Bike Manawatu is working on getting some of our group rides on Zwift during the lockdown - I have been in touch with them and before they will let you run our own events, they like you to have run a few meet ups with good numbers, to prove there is a demand.
With this in mind, I am arranging a meetup for this Sunday at 8am, I will find what I think is a good course and we will be riding for 2 hours.
If you or anyone you know would like to be involved, please email me at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. with your Zwift username so that I can add you to the meet up.
This will be a group ride, where we all stay together and have some fun. Let’s enjoy a virtual Sunday ride and keep our community going through this.

Zwift Pic