Everyone has their own Pinnacle.

Many of us are relatively private about why we do what we do on bikes.
The overall sense of accomplishment, and the physical and mental well being that we get out of cycling are all things that are at the top of the list.
This weekend sees the annual Taupo Cycle Challenge. From Humble beginnings in 1977 where 24 riders started the event to the mind boggling thousands that we witness today.
This one is even more special for our own Colin Anderson. Starting his first Challenge in 1988 with the one lap, things progressed to where his record stands now.
At 71 , Colin will this weekend complete his 100th lap of the Cycle Challenge, and does not include all the other laps of the lake that he has done outside of the event.
Hughes Joinery have come on board as his teams sponsor for this event and they are all out raising funds for Heart Kids, a Charity that Colin has ridden for many years.
Many of Colin’s riding mates are accompanying him on the two laps this year, with others joining in with one lap, and the group gets bigger as Colin approaches Taupo.
Pretty sure this accomplishment will not be surpassed.
Look up the link to donate to Heart Kids, This cause is personal for Colin and his family and any support is welcome with gratitude.

BM Club Racing

We saw the running of the Feilding Festival based from Rosebowl Bakery. Many thanks to Derek McNabb and his staff and family from Rosebowl for their continued support and hospitality
A calm morning on the weather front saw multiple late entries, and while the Joe Allen competitors got around the course before the heavens opened the later events in the day did not have the same good fortune.
4 events of varying distance is the format, and the longer 90 km to Apiti and back is as tough as they get..for the first 65kms anyway.
Full Results on the Website and Facebook.

This year at the festival we saw the club undertake its’ own traffic management and timing. Large events like this used to demand the funding from outside sources for these key elements.
Thanks to the hard work of this and previous boards we are able to stand on our own 2 feet with these two costly parts of organising events.
For large events First Aid and Ambulance are required and are a must. With our smaller more compact events we have qualified volunteers who look after our First Aid requirements.

At Bike Manawatu we further endeavour to be self-sufficient, cost effective and inviting at all riders.
By actively engaging with our Fantastic Sponsors, being self-sufficient, financially savvy and having an increase with numbers to our events we are able to keep our entry fees low.
The flow on effect of this is we are seeing more families take up cycling, and many new riders competing for the first time.
To date, since our season started in October, we have had 165 riders race at our events..We couldn’t be happier.

The Manfeild Crits are a great example of this. Using the 1.2 km short circuit we’ve seen riders develop their skill, tactics and strength.
Many of our riders rode a grade higher than what they thought was possible, challenged themselves, and developed as a rider.
With over 80 riders turning up each Tuesday night in November, it has been a big Win for our club and members.


3 more BM events in December before we have a break over summer.
Wednesday 4th and 11th we see the last two rounds of our Kairanga ITT’s

Saturday 7th is the Essex Cup starting from Pohangina, a loop towards Ashhurst, to Highland Home, little bit of gravel and finishing in Pohangina.
It’s one of our Favorites..and a great way to warm up to the Gravel and Tar Slicks and Stones in January.

Entries Online…….

Please take the time to enter online for our events.
It makes the job for our timing people so much easier with start orders and times etc.
The system will then have your number that you have been, or will be allocated, for the season.

Good luck to everyone doing Taupo, for whatever reason you are doing it…whatever your “Why” is.
