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Track Cycling Report

“E hara taku toa i te toa takitahi, engari he toa taki mano”
Our strength is not that of an individual but that of a collective

Bike Manawatu Track is pleased to announce that the growth & interest in the sport has resulted in incredible numbers of new members joining this season. This amazing increase can be attributed to the success of the Wonder Women On Wheels Workshop, & our annual “Have A Go” day.
One of the most pleasing aspects with new members, are the amount of families which have decided to join. This effectively has boosted numbers considerably in all age categories.

We have seen a 55% increase in members this season, including a 67% growth in female riders. What is also great news is the “whopping” 110% growth in Masters riders this year. Overall, the Bike Manawatu Track Committee couldn’t be more pleased with what has transpired regarding the growth in the sport recently.

The newly painted & fitted out clubrooms have been well received by all. Feedback from our members have been nothing but complimentary  saying that the new look clubrooms offer a welcoming & relaxing environment for everyone. One of the final touches will be displaying an incredible collection of historical photos of those who have accomplished feats of greatness on the road & track from the region.

The culture which Bike Manawatu Track is creating, is a culture of inclusion, fun, growth & development, family, kindness & respect. Qualities in which a large percentage of our new members have commented on already. We have been working closely with the Bike Manawatu Board, Manawatu District Council, Sports Manawatu, & other organisations to ensure the continuous support & promise to all our riders, members, families, supporters, & volunteers.

Lastly, we would like to acknowledge the tireless work & unbelievably selfless contribution, the Bike Manawatu Track Committee members have invested into what has become such a rewarding outcome.

We are all looking forward to an exciting 2019/2020 track cycling season