First actions course.

On Tuesday 22nd October we hosted our First Actions course run in conjunction with John from Meditrain in Feilding.  
Our attendees learnt some amazing fundamental skills from basic CPR, wound management and scene safety.
The training was delivered in a interactive way that engaged our riders and built up their confidence.
They learnt the following skills and had fun in the process:

  • Practicing placing their friends into the recovery position.
  • Understanding to make sure their mate is safe if they have to leave the scene to go and get help.
  • The fundamentals of CPR – where and how hard they need to press for CPR,  30 compressions and 2 breaths no matter who for
  • The need to apply pressure to wounds and elevate them.
  • They know they can call emergency services off their friends phone even if its locked.
  • They are aware of basic concussion signs.
  • They learnt how to administer an Epi pen the correct way.
  • They all feel more confident in calling 111

As a parent I am left feeling more confident that the riders that participated in this course have practiced all of the basic skills that hopefully they will never be required to do.
I was impressed with the feedback from the juniors as they enjoyed their supper.

on behalf of the Bike Manawatu Track Committee